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A Report from

Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia,


Stephen Mawby, 4th December 2002 to 3rd March 2003


This trip was the result of a marriage break-up and was undertaken with a long-time non-birding friend who wanted to enjoy some cricket "down-under".  As a result, the first part of the trip was planned around the 4th and 5th Test matches of England's Ashes tour of 2002/2003.  Consequently, the first month was spent around the south-east of Australia with the move north towards Queensland not taking place until early January.  Thereafter, the route took us north to Cairns, then west to Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory, south through Alice Springs/Uluru (Ayers Rock) to Adelaide and finally east back to Sydney.  Although a birding trip for me, I had to respect the wishes of my travelling companion and as a result, was unable to give sufficient time to seeking out the more difficult species.  However, a trip list in excess of 420 species and a new species list of 359 was, in my view excellent.

We were incredibly lucky with regard to the weather and the natural disasters that seem to befall Australia on a regular basis.  Although quite cool on several days, particularly along the south coast of Victoria , we only suffered two half days of rain whilst in that area.  We were unaffected by any bush-fires, with the ones around Sydney taking place whilst we were around Melbourne and the ones around Victoria occurring as we moved north from Sydney towards Brisbane.  Thirty-six hours of rain, often torrential and resulting in localized flooding occurred between Townsville and Cairns but thereafter it remained dry and more often than not pleasantly warm to hot, only cooling down when we got back to Sydney at the end of February.  Australia was, however, experiencing the worst drought for a hundred years and there was concern as to whether the monsoon would occur.  Fortunately, we were to learn later that as we moved into the interior, the coast of Queensland experienced heavy rainfall which caused flooding, sufficiently bad enough to close the Bruce Highway  (the main coastal route north through Queensland) for a period of time.


At an early stage of planning, we had decided to hire a campervan that would be sufficiently large enough to give us personal space.  We opted for a 4-berth model so we could enjoy a double-berth each and this proved ideal.  The vehicle was hired from NQ Rentals ( with both pick-up and drop-off at their Sydney depot.  The cost of hire for the three months was a little over A$11,000 and this included all insurances.  This was expensive, but with an exchange rate of nearly A$3/£, the fact that it was both our accommodation and transport and the cost was shared between two persons, it was cheaper than the hire car/motel option.  It also provided the ultimate in flexibility of location. We encountered serious mechanical problems with our first vehicle after only a couple of weeks and this resulted in us having to detour back to Melbourne to exchange our vehicle.  As a result, three days were lost but we were subsequently compensated for the days lost.

Because of the length of our hire, we had to have a vehicle service carried out but this was achieved (whilst we were at Cairns) with no loss of travelling time.


See above.  No other accommodation was utilized apart from a three day stay at the home of friends in Bridgewater, Adelaide, South Australia.

The campervan was comfortable and with the benefit of good weather, most of our time, whilst not asleep was spent outside.  It would be fair to say however, that had we had any amount of wet weather, life may not have been so easy.

Field Guides

· Collins Field Guide Birds of Australia. Graham Pizzey & Frank Knight. HarperCollins 1997
· Field Guide to Australian Birds. Michael Morcombe. Steve Parish Publishing  2000
· Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. Simpson & Day. Penguin Books.1999
· Complete guide to finding the Birds of Australia. Richard Thomas & Sarah Thomas. Frogmouth Publications 1999


No trip reports were taken but some details were noted both before and during the trip from the Birdtours web site (see below).


I am indebted to Tania Ireton of Melbourne (Vic) whom I "cold-called" via e-mail as a result of reading a trip report on the Birdtours web site (  She was excellent company, knew the birds well and gained me access to the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee (Vic)  the result of which enabled me to see most of the water birds in one fell-swoop.  She also spent the day with me around Phillip Island again pointing me in the direction of the specialties in that area.

Susan Anderson, also of Melbourne, whom I met whilst birding in the You Yangs NP (Vic) on Christmas Day gave me some sites to visit in the Sydney area which also proved productive.

At Kingfisher Park, Julatten in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld), Carol, one of the resident guides offered her guiding services, and this enabled me to see several species that I would otherwise have missed.

Finally, my thanks go to Phil Maher for an excellent day of birding around Deniliquin (NSW) during which time most of my target species were seen.

Itinerary and Sites visited

For full details of this please contact the author at and request file Australia.1a.

Systematic List of Species Seen

Taxonomy, sequence and nomenclature follow Birds of the World - A Checklist: James F Clements 2000

New species indicated by *

Emu *, Dromaius novaehollandiae
Small numbers noted throughout with the first sighting being on the 8th  Dec. roadside in the mountain forest between Jindabyne and Geehi (NSW).

Little Penguin *, Eudyptula minor
Several birds, including some chicks,  were seen roosting under the boardwalk down the cliffs at Seal Rocks, Phillip Island (Vic) on the 14th Dec. with good numbers of adults seen at  Penguin Parade at dusk the same date. Distant views were had of conservation workers handling birds of this species on one of the beaches along the Great Ocean Road (Vic) on 23rd Dec.

Australasian Grebe *, Tachybaptus novaehollandiae
First noted on 7th Dec. on a roadside pond between Sydney and Canberra (NSW/ACT) with infrequent sightings thereafter.

Hoary-headed Grebe *, Poliocephalus poliocephalus
First noted on 7th Dec. on the same pool as the aforementioned species and again infrequently sighted thereafter although possibly more common than the former species.

Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus
First noted in Port Phillip Bay off St Kilda (Vic) on 12th Dec with further coastal sightings in Victoria on 17th Dec; Lake Eacham (Qld) on 30th Jan; Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb and finally Goolwa (SA) on 16th Feb.

Wedge-tailed Shearwater *, Puffinus pacificus
Only noted in flight off the old lighthouse headland at Booderee NP, Jervis Bay (NSW) on 30th Dec and around Cape Byron (NSW) on 11th Jan.

Short-tailed Shearwater *, Puffinus tenuirostris
Birds were seen at dusk coming into their burrows around the Swan Lake area of Phillip Island (Vic) on the 14th Dec.  Although the light was fading fast, to stand on the boardwalk at the lake and have birds flying around ones head was truly an experience.  Several landed heavily on the boardwalk and remained on view for a short while before scurrying away to their nearby burrows.

Red-tailed Tropicbird *, Phaethon rubricauda
Breeding birds on their nests around the cabins was the avian highlight of the trip out to Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan.  At least four birds were seen almost close enough to touch.  Disappointingly however, none were seen in flight.

Australian Pelican *, Pelecanus conspicillatus
Widespread coastally and along the larger rivers and lakes inland.

Australian Gannet *, Morus serrator
Noted in Port Phillip Bay off Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec. and again in the Bass Strait off Phillip Island   (Vic) on 14th Dec.

Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster
Singles noted around Lady Elliot Island on 19th Jan.

Little Black Cormorant *, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
First noted in Cockle Bay, Sydney (NSW) on 5th Dec with regular sightings thereafter.  A widespread species.

Great Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo
Small numbers noted along the coasts with one noted almost in the centre of Australia, on a pool in the West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb.

Pied Cormorant *, Phalacrocorax varius
First noted around Sydney Harbour (NSW) on 5th Dec with further sightings throughout in suitable habitat but less frequently noted than the Little Pied Cormorant.

Black-faced Cormorant *, Phalacrocorax fuscescens
Small numbers noted at Seal Rocks, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec. with another along the Great Ocean Road on 23rd Dec and they remained the only sightings of this species.

Little Pied Cormorant *, Phalacrocorax melanoleucos
A widespread species and noted  throughout in suitable habitat.

Darter, Anhinga melanogaster
Only seen infrequently with sightings near Cooroy (Qld) on 17th Jan; at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; in the botanical gardens at Bundaberg (Qld) on 19th Jan; Centenary Lakes, Cairns (Qld) on 26th /27th Jan; Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan and finally on the Murray River, Mildura (Vic) on 21st Feb.

Great Frigatebird *, Fregata minor
At least two of the birds seen over Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan were considered to be this species, with further sightings of a small group over Mission Beach (Qld) on 26th Jan following a night of storms and at least one over Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan.

Lesser Frigatebird *, Fregata ariel
Seen both soaring over and also roosting in, beachside bushes/trees on Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan.

Pacific Heron *, Ardea pacifica
First recorded at a roadside wetland near Princetown (Vic) along the Great Ocean Road and thereafter seen regularly in suitable habitat with good numbers around the Deniboota Irrigation Area west of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.

Great Egret, Ardea alba
First noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th and thereafter seen regularly in suitable habitat.

Intermediate Egret, Egretta intermedia
First noted alongside the Pacific Highway on 9th Jan with further occasional sightings. Many white egrets were left unspecifically identified.

White-faced Heron *, Egretta novaehollandiae
The most widespread of the heron species with singles noted throughout.

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta
First recorded as a roadside bird between Wauchope and Grafton (NSW) on 10th Jan and thereafter many birds were probably seen but specific identification was not made.

Pacific Reef-Heron, Egretta sacra
Birds of both phases seen around Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan and remained the only ones seen.

Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis
Noted alongside the Pacific Highway at a large roost site on 9th Jan and thereafter recorded only occasionally.

Striated Heron, Butorides striatus
A single noted on the Brisbane River close to the botanic gardens in Brisbane (Qld) on 14th Jan and a single at the Centenary Lakes, Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th/28th Jan were, surprisingly, the only sightings of this species.

Rufous Night-Heron *, Nycticorax caledonicus
The only sighting was of a breeding plumaged bird along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.  It showed very well at close range for some minutes before moving into cover as we got too close.

Black Bittern, Ixobrychus flavicollis
At least four of this species were seen along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.  All took flight on being discovered apart from one which was seen reasonably well, but at a distance.

Black-necked Stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus
First recorded at a wetland near Cooroy (Qld) on 17th Jan; two being seen exceptionally closely from our boat on the Daintree River trip with Chris Dahlberg on 31st Jan with finally one at Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Australian Ibis *, Threskiornis molucca
Widespread and common in all but the driest habitats.

Straw-necked Ibis *, Threskiornis spinicollis
Widespread and common in suitable areas.

Glossy Ibis, Plegadis falcinellus
A small flock of this species was noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further birds noted at a wetland near Cooroy (Qld) on 17th Jan; Horseshoe Lagoon, Ayr (Qld) on 24th Jan and finally Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Royal Spoonbill *, Platalea regia
First noted at Lake Hume, Tallangatta (Vic) on 9th Dec. with infrequent sightings thereafter.

Yellow-billed Spoonbill *, Platalea flavipes
First noted at Lake Hume, Tallangatta (Vic) on 9th Dec. with subsequent sightings throughout in suitable habitat. More frequently encountered than the previous species.

Magpie Goose *, Anseranas semipalmata
First noted on a lake alongside the Pacific Highway near Tarree on 9th Jan with birds noted in reasonable numbers in Queensland with the largest concentration recorded at Horseshoe Lagoon near Ayr on 24th Jan.

Plumed Whistling-Duck *, Dendrocygna eytoni
First seen in the botanical gardens at Bundaberg (Qld) on 19th Jan when a large gathering of the species was noted.  Thereafter, birds were only noted between Cape Hillsborough (Qld) and Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan.

Wandering Whistling-Duck *, Dendrocygna arcuata
First recorded at a roadside wetland near Cooroy (Qld) on 17th Jan, with further groups of birds noted between Rolleston and Mackay (Qld) on 21st Jan; Centenary Lakes, Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan and Mossman (Qld) on 31st Jan

Black Swan *, Cygnus atratus
Widespread in suitable habitat and often in huge numbers.

Cape Barren Goose *, Cereopsis novaehollandiae
Several birds noted around the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th December may have been of suspect origin whilst those on Phillip Island on 14th were felt to have better credentials.  There was no doubting however of the credentials of the large flocks noted in fields around Lake Alexandrina (SA) on 16th,18th  and 19th Feb.

Freckled Duck *, Stictonetta naevosa
Less than ten of this species were noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with no further sightings during the following three months.

Australian Shelduck *, Tadorna tadornoides
Good numbers noted around the lakes at the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee on 11th Dec with further birds noted on a roadside wetland near Princetown (Vic) on 23rd Dec.

Green Pygmy-goose *, Nettapus pulchellus
Double figure numbers were seen well, albeit rather distantly, on Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Cotton Pygmy-goose, Nettapus coromandelianus
Two were noted on the Barron River at Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan, with further sightings on Nardellos Lagoon, Mareeba (Qld) on 30th Jan and Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Maned Duck *, Chenonetta jubata
A relatively widespread species and noted on all waters from farm ponds to city park lakes.

Gray Teal *, Anas gracilis
Large numbers noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec and Lake Mitchell (Qld) on 1st Feb with small numbers noted at other suitable sites.

Chestnut Teal *, Anas castanea
Good numbers noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec. with small numbers noted elsewhere on suitable waters.

Pacific Black Duck *, Anas superciliosa
A widespread species noted throughout in suitable areas.

Australian Shoveler *, Anas rhynchotis
Small numbers noted around the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Pink-eared Duck *, Malacorhynchus membranaceus
Exceptionally large numbers noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

White-eyed Duck *, Aythya australis
Noted infrequently, possibly due to the drought conditions encountered.  First recorded on a park lake close to the SCG (Sydney) on 6th Dec.

Blue-billed Duck *, Oxyura australis
Small numbers seen at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee, Vic on 11th Dec.

Musk Duck *, Biziura lobata
A single on Lake Eildon (Vic) on 10th Dec with good numbers noted around the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec..

Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
First seen at Smalley's Beach, Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan with further birds seen along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan and roadside, near Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Pacific Baza *, Aviceda subcristata
Two were seen together over the rainforest at The Crater in Mt Hypipamee NP (Qld) on 30th Jan. A species I would have liked to have seen perched but sadly this was not to be.

Square-tailed Kite *, Lophoictinia isura
A single bird, seen well and considered to be this species was seen early morning, roadside, just west of Richmond (Qld) on 3rd Feb.

Australian Kite *, Elanus axillaries
Noted throughout in small numbers although quite common around the south-east and noted most dates whilst in that area.

Letter-winged Kite *, Elanus scriptus
Probably the highlight of the three months birding was picking up this species at dusk in distant flight, north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb whilst with Phil Maher.  The bird continued flying in our direction and once overhead, the identity was clinched.

Black Kite, Milvus migrans
A widespread species with good numbers noted, particularly along the Flinders, Barkly and Stuart Highways in Queensland and Northern Territory. The first sighting was of an individual at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Whistling Kite *, Haliastur sphenurus
The common raptor of the south-east with frequent sightings. This species was also recorded fairly often in Queensland.

Brahminy Kite, Haliastur Indus
First noted off Cape Byron (NSW) on 11th Jan with occasional sightings thereafter along the Queensland coast.

White-bellied Sea-Eagle, Haliaeetus leucogaster
An individual circling over the Great Alpine Road near Tambo Crossing (Vic) on 19th Dec was unexpected that far from the coast. Further (coastal) birds were noted at Noosa Heads (Qld) on 17th Jan; Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan and between Bundaberg  (Qld) and Gladstone (Qld) on 20th Jan

Swamp Harrier *, Circus approximans
First noted around the almost dry Lake Hume near Tallangatta (Vic) on 9th Dec with further sightings on Phillip Island on 14th Dec; near to Wilson's Promontory on 16th Dec; around the Gippsland lakes on 18th Dec; near Wangaratta (Vic) on 19th Dec; along the Great Ocean Road on 23rd/24th Dec; Lake Alexandrina  (SA) on 16th and 19th Feb and finally around Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.

Spotted Harrier *, Circus assimilis
A bird feeding at the roadside along the Dawson Highway between Gladstone (Qld) and Rolleston (Qld) on 20th Jan was seen reasonably well. Others seen very closely, again as a roadside birds  were between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb and between Camooweal (Qld) and Tennant Creek (NT) on 4th Feb.

Gray Goshawk *, Accipiter novaehollandiae
Possibly two birds seen in the Eungella valley, near Mackay (Qld) on 22nd Jan.  The first was seen just beyond Finch Hatton, the second was viewed from the Sky View Lookout along the road to the Broken River campsite.  A very smart raptor.

Brown Goshawk *, Accipiter fasciatus
First noted as a roadside bird on 8th Dec between Canberra (ACT) and Cooma (NSW) with further sightings on Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec; Canungra (Qld) on 11th Jan; Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan and finally in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan.

Collared Sparrowhawk *, Accipiter cirrocephalus
A species noted infrequently with sightings at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 31st Dec; Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan;  Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan; Mildura (Vic) on 21st Feb and Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb.

Wedge-tailed Eagle *, Aquila audax

First noted along the Midland Highway just south of Benalla (Vic) on 10th Dec and thereafter frequently encountered, particularly inland where there were many road-kills to feed on.

Little Eagle *, Hieraaetus morphnoides
Not as common as expected with sightings only between Sydney and Canberra (NSW/ACT) on 7th Dec; over the You Yangs NP (Vic) on 21st Dec; between Tennant Creek and Alice Springs (NT) on 5th Feb; between Alice Springs and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb and between Kulgera (NT) and Glendambo (SA) on 10th Feb.

Australian Kestrel *, Falco cenchroides
Noted almost throughout but no more than one or two a day.

Australian Hobby *, Falco longipennis
Two seen well for several minutes at a roadside stop between Foster (Vic) and Yarram (Vic) on 17th Dec with further sightings  over the You Yangs NP (Vic) on 21st Dec; West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb; between Alice Springs (NT) and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb and finally, north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb; 

Brown Falcon *, Falco berigora
First noted on 10th December as a roadside bird with many sightings thereafter.  Probably the commonest of the falcons.

Black Falcon *, Falco subniger
The only sighting of this species was at the Neutral Junction turning off the Stuart Highway near Barrow Creek (NT) on 5th Feb when a single was watched for several minutes.  A further brief sighting was had of this species over marshes near Lake Alexandrina (SA) on 16th Feb.

Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus
Recorded in small numbers with the first sighting being at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec and Phillip Island (Vic) on the same date; along the Great Ocean Road (Vic) on 23rd Dec; in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb and between Tennant Creek (NT) and Alice Springs (NT) on 5th Feb.

Australian Brush-turkey *, Alectura lathami
First seen as a roadside bird on the approach to O'Reillys at Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan, with further birds seen around the area the following day,  the species being relatively common and approachable around this site.  This species was also noted at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd/23rd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 27th/28th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan.

Orange-footed Scrubfowl *, Megapodius reinwardt
First seen close to the campsite at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan. This species was also noted at the Botanic Gardens, Cairns (Qld) on 26th/28th Jan and  Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 30th/31st  Jan.

Stubble Quail *, Coturnix pectoralis
One flushed by accident whilst stalking a Brown Lark at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec only gave flight views as it could not be re-located.

Red-backed Buttonquail *, Turnix maculosa
A party of this species was flushed from roadside vegetation near the top of the climb to the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan.  Seen only briefly, there was little doubt that the birds were of this species.

Painted Buttonquail *, Turnix varia
A pair of birds, flushed from the leaf-litter in the You Yangs NP (Vic) on 25th Dec, were un-doubtedly this species.  However, one was seen well on the edge of woodland north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb after being flushed on several occasions.

Brolga *, Grus rubicunda
A gathering of up to fifty birds was seen in fields along the Henry Hannam Drive south of Mareeba (Qld) on 30th Jan, with further sightings of this species, as roadside birds, as we travelled across Queensland and the Northern Territory on 2nd/3rd/4th Feb.

Red-necked Crake *, Rallina tricolor
The only one seen, was visiting a small pool in the garden of Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) at dusk on 30th Jan.

Buff-banded Rail *, Gallirallus philippensis
Several birds seen well around Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan with further sightings of this species between Paluma and South Mission Beach (Qld) on 25th Jan when at least four were seen on roadside floodwaters and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan.

Rufous-tailed Bush-hen *, Amaurornis moluccanus
A real bonus was seeing two of this species feeding along the edge of roadside floodwater following heavy rain, between Paluma and South Mission Beach (Qld) on 25th Jan.  They seemed unconcerned by passing traffic and I was able to view them through the 'scope without any difficulty whatsoever.

Australian Crake *, Porzana fluminea
One of the highlights of the trip was the discovery of this and the following species in a reedbed marsh with a newly opened boardwalk access path at Clayton (SA) on 18th Feb.  Just a single of this species was seen on this date and with the water level rising during the night, there was no suitable habitat visible for the species the following morning.

Spotless Crake *, Porzana tabuensis
Two or possibly three birds were seen in the same marsh as the above species on the 18th Feb with a single seen briefly the following morning.

Purple Swamphen, Porphyrio porphyrio
Quite widespread and seemingly not appearing to be as wary as this species seems elsewhere in the world.

Dusky Moorhen *, Gallinula tenebrosa
Widespread.  Noted more frequently in the south and east although never in large numbers.

Black-tailed Native-hen *, Gallinula ventralis
Good numbers noted around the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further sightings along the banks of the River Torrens in the centre of Adelaide (SA) on 14th Feb and near Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.

Eurasian Coot, Fulica atra
A widespread species and noted throughout in suitable habitat.

Australian Bustard *, Ardeotis australis
First seen in crops/grassland close to the track we were travelling along to reach the Mareeba Wetlands Reserve, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.  Thereafter, they were seen as we travelled west through northern Queensland and into the Northern Territory on both 3rd and 4th Feb.

Comb-crested Jacana *, Irediparra gallinacea
A pair were seen well, albeit distantly, on the wetland near Cooroy (Qld) on 17th Jan with further birds recorded on a roadside pool north of Bundaberg (Qld) on 20th Jan and at Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb;

Pied Oystercatcher *, Haematopus longirostris
First seen at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further recorded sightings at Observation Point, Rhyll, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec; Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan; Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan and at the mouth of the Murray River, Hindmarsh Island (SA) on 18th Feb.

Sooty Oystercatcher *, Haematopus fuliginosus
Two were seen well at Seal Rocks, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with  a further sighting on the offshore breakwater at Redcliffe (Qld) on 17th Jan.

White-headed Stilt *, Himantopus leucocephalus
Good numbers noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th December with birds noted elsewhere in suitable habitat and in small numbers.

Banded Stilt *, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus
A single bird was walking along the main road between Pimba (SA) and Woomera (SA) on 11th Feb, far from any water and causing something of a traffic hazard.  Eventually, I was able to make it fly away although initially it was reluctant to do so.  Good numbers of this species were then seen later that day on roadside lagoons on the outskirts of Port Augusta (SA).  Small numbers were seen on pools close to the Adelaide ICI saltworks, St Kilda (SA) on 13th Feb.

Red-necked Avocet *, Recurvirostra novaehollandiae
Several flocks noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec and remained the only sighting.

Bush Thick-knee *, Burhinus grallarius
A breeding pair were seen well and at close range within the caravan park at Aspley, Brisbane (Qld) on 13th Jan and subsequently, with the only others seen being at Bellbird Grove, Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan and at the Townsville Environmental Park (Qld) on 23rd Jan.

Beach Thick-knee *, Burhinus magnirostris
The only sighting of this species was at Smalley's Beach, Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan.  Having failed at other sites, I thought this was also going to be a failure, but persistence paid off with the birds being found some half a mile along the beach, sheltering high up on the beach, close to an inlet.  A stunning, if somewhat ugly species and one I was pleased to see.

Australian Pratincole *, Stiltia Isabella
A single, seen in flight between Paluma (Qld) and South Mission Beach (Qld) on 25th Jan with further sightings of roadside birds between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb and Camooweal (Qld) and Tennant Creek (NT) on 4th Feb.

Banded Lapwing *, Vanellus tricolor
Good numbers were seen in the fields north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb whilst out with Phil Maher.  A very smart Vanellus sp.

Masked Lapwing *, Vanellus miles
Relatively widespread with small numbers (mainly pairs) noted throughout.  Both sub-species were recorded.

Red-kneed Dotterel *, Erythrogonys cinctus
First noted in small numbers at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with others noted along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan; Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb and close to the Adelaide ICI saltworks, St Kilda (SA) on 13th Feb.

Pacific Golden-Plover, Pluvialis fulva
First noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec, with further sightings on Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan;

Red-capped Plover *, Charadrius ruficapillus
A really smart plover sp. with birds seen well at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with  only one further sighting, that being at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan.

Mongolian Plover, Charadrius mongolus
Only recorded along the esplanade at Cairns (Qld) on 26th and 27th Jan.

Greater Sandplover, Charadrius leschenaultii
First noted at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan with further sightings at Cairns (Qld) on 26th and 27th Jan.

Hooded Plover *, Thinornis cucullatus
A pair were eventually seen on Woolamai Beach, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with a further pair seen distantly from our observation position at the Penguin Parade later that date.  A pair were also seen on the beach at Apollo Bay (Vic) on 24th Dec.

Black-fronted Dotterel *, Elseyornis melanops
First seen at Swan Lake, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with further sightings at Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan; on a roadside creek between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb and on a farm pond just north of Port Augusta (SA) on 11th Feb.

Inland Dotterel *, Peltohyas australis
At least six were eventually found in damp habitat, north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.  Both males and females were present and they were possibly the smartest species of bird seen during the trip.

Latham's Snipe *, Gallinago hardwickii
A single bird was flushed from the water's edge of Lake Wellington (Vic) on 18th Dec with another flushed from off a path at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb.

Bar-tailed Godwit, Limosa lapponica
First recorded from Observation Point, Rhyll, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with several coastal sightings thereafter particularly in northern Queensland.

Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus
Noted at Seal Rocks, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec; at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; on Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan; Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan and at Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th/28th Jan.

Far Eastern Curlew *, Numenius madagascariensis
First recorded distantly from Observation Point, Rhyll, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with further sightings at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan and at  Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th/28th Jan.

Marsh Sandpiper, Tringa stagnatilis
Several noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec, with further birds noted on pools close to the Adelaide ICI saltworks at St Kilda (SA) on 13th Feb.

Common Greenshank, Tringa nebularia
First noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further sightings at Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec; Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th Jan and along the Murray River, Hindmarsh Island (SA) on 18th Feb.

Terek Sandpiper, Xenus cinereus
Birds noted at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan and Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th Jan.

Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos
Noted at Swan Lake, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec and on roadside water between Greenvale (Qld) and Richmond (Qld) on 2nd Feb.

Grey-tailed Tattler, Heterosceles brevipes
The only sighting was on Smalley's Beach, Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan.

Wandering Tattler *, Heterosceles incanus
At least two birds, considered to be this species, were seen closely and well on Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan.

Ruddy Turnstone, Arenaria interpres
Noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec; Redcliffe (Qld) on 17th Jan; Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan and finally,  Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan.

Great Knot, Calidris tenuirostris
Only recorded along the esplanade at Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th/28th Jan.

Red Knot, Calidris canutus
Noted along the esplanade at Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan.

Sanderling, Calidris alba
Birds were noted on the beach at Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan.

Red-necked Stint, Calidris ruficollis
Together with the following species, the commonest sandpiper sp. around the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.  Noted at other suitable coastal sites.

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Calidris acuminata
Widespread and common in suitable habitat with the largest concentration noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Curlew Sandpiper, Calidris ferruginea
Small numbers noted around the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further sightings at Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th Jan.

Plains-wanderer *, Pedionomus torquatus
Both a male and female were spot-lighted after dark at a site north of Deniliquin (NSW) with Phil Maher.  A truly strange species!

Pomarine Jaeger, Stercorarius pomarinus
Birds, identified as this species, were seen in the Bass Strait off Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec.

Parasitic Jaeger, Stercorarius parasiticus
Noted in the Bass Strait off  Phillip Island (Vic) on the evening of 14th Dec and off Cape Byron (NSW) on 11th Jan.

Pacific Gull *, Larus pacificus
First noted in Port Phillip Bay off the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further sightings on the beach at St Kilda, Melbourne (Vic) on 12th Dec; around Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec; Wilson's Promontory on 16th/17th Dec; Werribee South (Vic) on 20th Dec; Apollo Bay (Vic) on 23rd Dec and finally at the mouth of the Murray River, Hindmarsh Island (SA) on 18th Feb.

Kelp Gull *, Larus dominicanus
First noted distantly on offshore rocks (The Nobbies) from Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with two seen closely as we walked the coast path.  Recorded later that date off Observation Point, Rhyll and at Penguin Parade but thereafter, no further sightings.

Silver Gull *, Larus novaehollandiae
Widespread coastally and along some of the east coast rivers.

Gull-billed Tern, Sterna nilotica
The only sightings of this species were at Rowes Bay, Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan;  Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan and on a roadside creek between Camooweal (Qld) and Tennant Creek (NT) on 4th Dec.

Caspian Tern, Sterna caspia
First noted off Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec with further sightings along the south coast of Victoria on 17th Dec; on the Clarence River at MacLean (NSW) on 11th Jan; Townsville (Qld) on 23rd/24th Jan; Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan; Goolwa (SA) on 16th Feb and at the mouth of the Murray River, Hindmarsh Island (SA) on 18th Feb.

Lesser Crested Tern, Sterna bengalensis
Only recorded around Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan.

Great Crested Tern, Sterna bergii
First noted in Port Phillip Bay off the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th with regular sightings coastally thereafter, often in good numbers, particularly along the east coast and especially in Queensland.

Black-naped Tern, Sterna sumatrana
Good numbers of this species were noted around Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan with a few on Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan.  Considered to be the smartest of the tern species seen.

Common Tern, Sterna hirundo
First noted along the coast near Nambucca Heads (Qld) on 10th Jan with further sightings at Rowes Bay, Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan.

Little Tern, Sterna albifrons
Only recorded at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan.

Fairy Tern *, Sterna nereis
At least ten were seen well, both in flight and resting on sandbanks, at the mouth of the Murray River from Hindmarsh Island (SA) on 18th Feb.

Bridled Tern, Sterna anaethetus
Good numbers noted around Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan.

Sooty Tern, Sterna fuscata
Only recorded around Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan.

Whiskered Tern, Chlidonias hybrida
First seen around the river mouth at Werribee South (Vic) on 20th Dec, with further sightings around the Shoalhaven River at Nowra (NSW) on 30th Dec; on the wetland near Cooroy on 17th Jan; Horseshoe Lagoon, Ayr (Qld) on 24th Jan; on a roadside creek between Richmond and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb; near the Adelaide ICI saltworks, St Kilda (SA) on 13th Feb; Goolwa (SA) on 16th Feb and on Lake Alexandrina, Clayton (SA) on 18th/19th Feb.

White-winged Tern, Chlidonias leucopterus
The only sighting was at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Black Noddy *, Anous minutus
Much smarter than the following species, and seen in comparison with that species on Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan.

Brown Noddy, Anous stolidus
The most numerous of the two noddy species present on Lady Elliot Island (Qld) on 19th Jan with further birds seen in good numbers around Michaelmas Cay (Qld) on 29th Jan.

Rock Dove, Columba livia
Widespread and common in the south and east.

White-headed Pigeon *, Columba leucomela
A single in the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve in the Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec showed very well, with further sightings on Mount Glorious, Brisbane (Qld) on 16th Jan.

Spotted Dove, Streptopelia chinensis
Common around the towns and cities of the south-east.

Brown Cuckoo-Dove *, Macropygia phasianella
First seen in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan with sightings thereafter at Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan; O'Reilly's, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan;  Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan; Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan; Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan and finally in Kangaroo Valley (NSW) on 27th Feb.

Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica
Only recorded at the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve, Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec, Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan and Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 30th Jan and 1st Feb. 

Common Bronzewing *, Phaps chalcoptera
Seen infrequently with the first sighting at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec.

Brush Bronzewing *, Phaps elegans
The only one seen on the trip was a brief view of a roadside bird as we left Wilson's Promontory (Vic) on 17th Dec.

Crested Pigeon *, Geophaps lophotes

Squatter Pigeon *, Geophaps scripta
Three birds were seen on the roadway as we drove south from Atherton (Qld) on the Kennedy Highway on 1st Feb.  Just as I brought the vehicle to a halt in order to see them better however, they were flushed into roadside scrub by another passing vehicle.  They were not re-located.  Two further birds were seen again on the roadside along the Gregory Developmental Road between Greenvale (Qld) and Charters Towers (Qld) on 2nd Feb.  On this occasion they stayed long enough in the open to enable me to see them through the 'scope.  However, I was unable to assign them to race.

Diamond Dove *, Geopelia cuneata
A single bird was seen well by the entrance to our campsite at Rolleston (Qld) on 21st Jan, with parties of this species seen thereafter between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb; Camooweal (Qld) and Tennant Creek (NT) on 4th Feb and in the West MacDonnell NP, Alice Springs (NT) on 7th Feb.

Peaceful Dove *, Geopelia placida
First seen in Glen Davis (Capertee, NSW) on 8th Jan and thereafter the species was seen regularly and often in large numbers.

Bar-shouldered Dove *, Geopelia humeralis
First seen in the mangroves at Bundaberg (Qld) on 18th Jan with further sightings at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan and finally in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Wonga Pigeon *, Leucosarcia melanoleuca
Only noted around O'Reillys, Lamington NP on 12th/13th Jan and then only first thing in the morning.  An unexpectedly uncommon and elusive species.

Wompoo Fruit-Dove *, Ptilinopus magnificus
First seen in the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan with further sightings at Paluma (Qld) on 24th Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 28th Jan and finally in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan.

Superb Fruit-Dove *, Ptilinopus superbus
Good views were had of a pair of this species in the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan with further sightings along the approach road to The Crater in Mt Hypipamee NP, Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan and at Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove *, Ptilinopus regina
A beautiful male was seen exceptionally well in low vegetation along the rainforest loop from the picnic area car park at Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan.  The only sighting.

Torresian Imperial-Pigeon *, Ducula spilorrhoa
First recorded at the Botanic Gardens in Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan with sightings thereafter in suitable coastal rainforest habitat in northern Queensland.

Topknot Pigeon *, Lopholaimus antarcticus
Birds were only seen in flight around O'Reilly's, Lamington NP (Qld) on 13th Jan with better, roosting, views at Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 24th/25th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb.

Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo *, Calyptorhynchus banksii
First seen in a park, close to the marina at Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan with further sightings at Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan; Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan and 1st Feb and the West MacDonnell NP, Alice Springs (NT) on 7th Feb.

Glossy Black-Cockatoo *, Calyptorhynchus lathami
The finding of a pair of these birds, sitting in the open on the lower branches of a casuarina tree below the Old Great North Road in the Dharug NP on 3rd Jan was one of the birding highlights of the trip.  They showed themselves exceptionally well, totally unconcerned by our presence, on the road above their position.

Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo *, Calyptorhynchus funereus
A brief sighting of a pair in flight on 9th Dec between Geehi (NSW) and Khancoban (NSW) with many sightings subsequently around the south-east with large parties of up to 30 birds noted on occasions.  Also recorded around Adelaide (SA) on 16th and 18th Feb.

Gang-gang Cockatoo *, Callocephalon fimbriatum
A pair seen  in the Australian Botanical Gardens, Canberra (ACT) on 9th Dec were the target species for that location,  but subsequent sightings were had on Wilson's Promontory on 16th Dec; in Dharug NP on 3rd Jan and finally in the Blue Mountains NP (NSW) on 7th Jan.

Galah *, Eolophus roseicapillus
A widespread species and noted virtually throughout.

Long-billed Corella *, Cacatua tenuirostris
Large numbers of this species were seen at Little River (Vic) on 11th Dec; around Halls Gap in the Grampians NP (Vic) on 22nd Dec; Mildura (Vic) on 21st Feb and around Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd/23rd Feb.

Little Corella *, Cacatua sanguinea
First definite sighting of this species was of large roadside flocks between Kulgera (NT) and Glendambo (SA) on 10th Feb.  Others were noted between Hawker and Melrose (SA) on 12th Feb and between Melrose and Adelaide on 13th Feb and finally between Adelaide and Clayton (SA) on 18th Feb.

Pink Cockatoo *, Cacatua leadbeateri
A party of this species were found in trees by the Neutral Junction turning off the Stuart Highway near Barrow Creek (NT) on 5th Feb.  They showed very well and at close range.  Another large party was seen between Glendambo and Port Augusta (SA) on 11th Feb and these two sightings were all that were had of this species.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo *, Cacatua galerita
Widespread in the south and east.

Cockatiel *, Nymphicus hollandicus
A brief flyover by two of this species between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb was, disappointingly, the only sighting.

Rainbow Lorikeet *, Trichoglossus haematodus
Widespread around the south, east and north-east coasts.  The most frequently encountered lorikeet species.

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet *, Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus
First seen in roadside trees at Canungra (Qld) at the junction with the road up to O'Reilly's in Lamington NP on 11th Jan and thereafter encountered frequently in coastal Queensland.

Varied Lorikeet *, Psitteuteles versicolor
Only seen around the campsite at  Camooweal (Qld) on the evening of the 3rd Feb.

Musk Lorikeet *, Glossopsitta concinna
First noted in the suburbs of north Melbourne (Vic) on 16th Dec with further sightings around Adelaide (SA) on 13th Feb and Clayton (SA) on 18th/19th Feb.

Double-eyed Fig-Parrot *, Clycopsitta diophthalma
A pair of this species were seen feeding low down in a path-side tree on Mount Whitmore, Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan with another seen in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Port Lincoln Parrot *, Barnardius zonarius
First seen at Simpson's Gap in the West MacDonnell NP, Alice Springs (NT) on 5th Feb with further sightings at nearby sites on 7th Feb. Other birds were recorded between Alice Springs (NT) and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb; Kulgera (NT) on 9th Feb; between Kulgera (NT) and Glendambo (SA) on 10th Feb and finally in the Flinders Ranges NP (SA) on 12th Feb.

Mallee Ringneck *, Barnardius barnardi
First seen between Wyperfield NP and Hopetoun (Vic) on 20th Feb with further sightings in the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 21st Feb.

Crimson Rosella *, Platycercus elegans
Widespread and the most frequently encountered rosella sp. and noted in a variety of habitats.

Yellow Rosella *, Platycercus flaveolus
Birds were seen in the Murray River valley between Tooleybuc (Vic) and Kerang (Vic) on 22nd Feb with further birds seen very well in the Gulpa State Forest near Deniliquin (NSW) the following day.

Adelaide Rosella *, Platycercus adelaidae
First recorded at Melrose (SA) on 12th Feb with further sightings around Adelaide itself on subsequent dates.

Eastern Rosella *, Platycercus eximius
Only noted in small numbers around the south-east..

Pale-headed Rosella *, Platycercus adscitus
First seen at Canungra (Qld) around the campsite we were staying in.  Further birds were recorded on the drive up to O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan; at Rolleston (Qld) on 21st Jan; Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; along the Kennedy Highway between Atherton (Qld) and Greenvale (Qld) on 1st Feb and along the Gregory Developmental Road between Greenvale (Qld) and Charters Towers (Qld) on 2nd Feb.

Mulga Parrot *, Psephotus varius
First seen in the scrub on the drive to the car park at Simpson's Gap in the West MacDonnell NP, Alice Springs (NT) on 6th Feb with a further sighting in the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 21st Feb.

Red-rumped Parrot *, Psephotus haematonotus
A feeding party noted on the sports field at Chiltern (Vic) on 9th Dec with further sightings, often of large parties of birds, in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan; Flinders Ranges NP (SA) on 12th Feb; between Melrose (SA) and Adelaide (SA) on 13th Feb; between Clayton (SA) and Pinnaroo (SA) on 19th Feb; between Wyperfield NP (Vic) and Hopetoun (Vic) on 20th Feb; in the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 21st Feb and finally around Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd/23rd Feb. 

Bluebonnet *, Northiella haematogaster
At least three were seen very well, whilst out with Phil Maher in an area north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb with a further party seen in flight at dusk the following day.  Apparently not an easy species to connect with.

Blue-winged Parrot *, Neophema chrysostoma
Several flocks of this small grass parrot were seen along the road from Penshurst (Vic) to Port Fairy (Vic) on 22nd Dec.

Turquoise Parrot *, Neophema pulchella
A small group of this species was rather elusive in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Budgerigar *, Melopsittacus undulates
Several parties of this species were recorded as roadside birds in the relatively dry interior, with the first sighting between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb, when birds were seen well on roadside bushes.

Australian King-Parrot *, Alisterus scapularis
First seen at Geehi (NSW) on 8th Dec with further birds recorded at Marengo (Vic) on 23rd Dec; Bewong (NSW) on 30th Dec; Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan; Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan; O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 24th/25th Jan and finally in the  Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Red-winged Parrot *, Aprosmictus erythropterus
A single bird sitting in a dead tree near to our campsite in Rolleston (Qld), early morning on the 21st Jan was a real treat with a further single noted in flight at Richmond (Qld) on 2nd Feb.

Superb Parrot *, Polytelis swainsonii
At least twenty of this really smart parrot sp. were seen in trees/bushes at a site near Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb whilst with Phil Maher.  With this and the following species seen on the same date, good fortune was really running high.

Regent Parrot *, Polytelis anthopeplus
A party of at least twenty were found in roadside trees between Ouyen (Vic) and Tooleybuc (Vic) on 22nd Feb.  They were flighty but several including at least one beautiful male sat in the trees long enough for me to get the telescope on to them.  The start of one of the best days birding ever.

Pallid Cuckoo *, Cuculus pallidus
The only sightings of this species was on the slopes of Flinders Peak in the You Yangs NP (Vic) on 21st Dec as it sat in the open in a roadside tree for several minutes with a further bird was seen in woodland/scrub north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.

Brush Cuckoo *, Cacomantis variolosus
A single, tracked down on call, was whistled-in" and showed well in roadside trees near Big Mitchell Creek, Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Fan-tailed Cuckoo *, Cacomantis flabelliformis
The only sighting of this species was in the Australian Botanical Gardens, Canberra (ACT) on 8th Dec.

Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo *, Chrysococcyx basalis
A single was seen briefly in trees close to the entrance at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with a further bird seen in the coastal scrub along the Great Ocean Road (Vic) on 23rd Dec.

Little Bronze-Cuckoo *, Chrysococcyx minutillus
A single, believed to have been of the form C.m.russatus (Gould's Bronze-Cuckoo) was seen in trees in Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on the morning of 1st Feb.

Australian Koel *, Eudynamys cyanocephala
Brief views of a bird in flight at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; a female/immature male at the entrance to the Rowes Bay campsite, Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan and a female/immature along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan were the only sightings.

Channel-billed Cuckoo *, Scythrops novaehollandiae
First noted at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 5th Dec, with further sightings in the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; between Cape Hillsborough and Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan, when a large party was seen flying south and over Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) towards dusk on 30th Jan with further sightings there on both 31st Jan and 1st Feb. 

Pheasant Coucal *, Centropus phasianinus
First seen as a roadside bird in the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan in an area of scrub/cane fields near to Finch Hatton.  Further sightings of this species were had as roadside birds between Cape Hillsborough and Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb. 

Barn Owl, Tyto alba
A "white" owl in flight at night, roadside between Deniliquin (NSW) and Echuca (Vic) on the 23rd Feb was without doubt this species although the view was only brief.

Southern Boobook *, Ninox boobook
One was seen exceptionally well at its day-time roost in woodland north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb.

Australian Owlet-Nightjar *, Aegotheles cristatus
The only sighting was of a bird disturbed from it's nest hole by Phil Maher, in woodland north of Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.  Not as common as the books would have you believe, this remained the only sighting.

Tawny Frogmouth *, Podargus strigoides
A single on a nest within the precincts of our campsite at Aspley, Brisbane (Qld) on 13th Jan and on subsequent dates at this site, was the only sighting of this species.

Papuan Frogmouth *, Podargus papuensis
Very good views were had of a roosting bird at a stake-out along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.  Much larger than the previous species it was quite an impressive bird.

White-throated Nightjar *, Eurostopodus mystacalis
Several birds seen at dusk around the J C Slaughter Falls area of the Mt Coot-tha Park, Brisbane (Qld) on 13th Jan, with no further sightings of this or any other nightjar species.

Australian Swiftlet *, Aerodramus terraereginae
First noted feeding low over the Bruce Highway between Ingham (Qld) and South Mission Beach (Qld) on 25th Jan following heavy rains with further sightings between Mission Beach (Qld) and Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan; around Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan and 1st Feb.

White-throated Needletail *, Hirundapus caudacutus
The first sighting was a small party of birds at Cape Otway (Vic) on 23rd Dec and thereafter they were noted over the Ku-ring-gai Chase NP (NSW) on 1st Jan; in Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan; in the Blue Mountains NP on 7th Jan; around Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan; Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan; Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; between Bundaberg and Gladstone (Qld) on 20th Jan; between Paluma and Cairns (Qld) on 25th Jan; in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb and between Moss Vale and Sydney (NSW) on 27th Feb.

Fork-tailed Swift, Apus pacificus
Only noted over Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 1st Feb, although possibly overlooked.

Azure Kingfisher *, Alcedo azurea
Only noted at Lane Cove NP. Sydney (NSW) on 4th Dec; at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec and at  Canungra (Qld) on 11th Jan.

Little Kingfisher *, Alcedo pusilla
The highlight of the Daintree River trip with Chris Dahlberg on 31st Jan, were the exceptionally close views we had of this species after much searching of likely spots.  A species high on my wanted list, I was not disappointed.

Laughing Kookaburra *, Dacelo novaeguineae
Relatively widespread in the south and east with occasional parties of birds encountered.  Rarely noted around water and often appearing to favour habitated areas.

Blue-winged Kookaburra *, Dacelo leachii
Good views were had of this species in the Townsville Environmental Park (Qld) on 23rd Jan; between Townsville (Qld) and Paluma (Qld) on 24th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb.

Forest Kingfisher *, Todirhamphus macleayii
First seen in the Townsville Environmental Park (Qld) on 23rd Jan, with further sightings in Centenary Park, Cairns (Qld) on 27th/28th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Red-backed Kingfisher *, Todirhamphus pyrrhopygia
The only sighting of this species was of a single, sat on roadside telegraph wires, south of Tennant Creek (NT) on 5th Feb.

Sacred Kingfisher *, Todirhamphus sanctus
First seen in the Chiltern Box-Ironbark NP (Vic) on 9th Dec with further sightings in the You Yangs RP (Vic) on 11th Dec; Glen Davis, Capertee, (NSW) on 8th Jan; and Coffs Harbour (NSW) on 10th Jan.

Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher *, Tanysiptera Sylvia
The only sighting involved a single, which showed extremely well in the rainforest of Mount Whitmore, Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan.  Birds were also visiting a nest site at Kingfisher Park, Julatten, (Qld) during our stay there but I failed to make contact with them.

Rainbow Bee-eater *, Merops ornatus
This species was not recorded until Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan when birds were noted around the mangroves and on roadside wires.  Thereafter, they were noted in the Townsville Environmental Park (Qld) on 23rd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 24th Jan; Mount Whitmore, Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan; Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan; Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 1st Feb; between Greenvale (Qld) and Richmond (Qld) on 2nd Feb; between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb and finally between Clayton (SA) and Pinnaroo (SA) on 19th Feb.

Dollarbird, Eurystomus orientalis
First noted over the campsite at Wangaratta (Vic) on 19th Dec and thereafter seen in small numbers, particularly as we travelled north through Queensland.

Noisy Pitta *, Pitta versicolor
Not as common or as easy to see as I had been led to believe, particularly at O'Reilly's, Lamington NP (Qld).  First seen however, at O'Reilly's  on 13th Jan after much searching with further sightings  at Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 30th Jan and at another site nearby on 31st Jan.

Albert's Lyrebird *, Menura alberti

Only seen around O'Reillys at Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan, with up to four birds noted, two of which showed very well as they foraged in the leaf litter close to the main path leading to the Pensioner's Track.  Surprisingly, although much time was spent along all trails the following day, none were noted on that occasion.

Superb Lyrebird *, Menura novaehollandiae
Two seen well in the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve in the Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec, with further sightings around the Echo Point and Three Sisters paths at Katoomba in the Blue Mountains NP (NSW) on 7th Jan, when several were seen, and along the Old Great North Road in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan.

Australasian Bushlark *, Mirafra javanica
A widespread species and often noted on roadside fences.  First recorded in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Sky Lark, Alauda arvensis
Noted between Foster and Wilson's Promontory (Vic) on 16th Dec with birds not specifically recorded thereafter.

White-backed Swallow *, Cheramoeca leucosternus
Up to thirty of this species were seen at a site near Pretty Pine, Deniliquin (NSW) at dusk on 23rd Feb as they came into roost.  They circled the area for some time, gradually getting lower until one by one, they dived into their roost holes in a sand-pit.

Welcome Swallow *, Hirundo neoxena

Tree Martin *, Hirundo nigricans
First noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec and thereafter, birds were rarely specifically identified.

Fairy Martin *, Hirundo ariel
First noted at Lake Hume, Tallangatta (Vic) on 9th Dec and again, infrequently specifically identified thereafter.

Australasian Pipit *, Anthus novaeseelandiae
Birds were seen throughout the trip in suitable habitat, with the first sighting being at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Ground Cuckoo-shrike *, Coracina maxima
Brief sightings were had of a single flushed from the roadside between Mount Isa (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb.

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike *, Coracina novaehollandiae
A widespread species and noted throughout with the first recorded sighting at the You Yangs RP (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Yellow-eyed Cuckoo-shrike *, Coracina lineata
A male was seen well but briefly from one of the view-points along the Skyrail between Kuranda and Cairns (Qld) on 28th Jan with a further sighting in the Atherton Tablelands on 30th Jan.

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike *, Coracina papuensis
The only sightings of this species were in the Environmental Park at Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan; in the Botanic Gardens at Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands on 31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Cicadabird *, Coracina tenuirostris
A female was seen visiting what appeared to be a nest site in Centenial Park, Cairns (Qld) on both 27th and 28th Jan.

White-winged Triller *, Lalage tricolor
First seen in the Environmental Park, Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan with a further sighting along the Diamantina Developmental Road just outside Mount Isa on 3rd Feb.

Varied Triller *, Lalage leucomela
First seen at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan with further sightings at the Environmental Park, Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan and  Cairns (Qld) on 27th/28th Jan.

Red-whiskered Bulbul, Pycnonotus jocosus
A single noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec with a further single noted in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Olive-tailed Thrush *, Zoothera lunulata
First noted at O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan with further sightings at Mount Glorious, Brisbane (Qld) on 16th Jan and at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb.

Russet-tailed Thrush *, Zoothera heinei
Birds, considered to be this species, were seen well on the approach to O'Reilly's at Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan and on Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan.

Eurasian Blackbird, Turdus merula
Noted around the towns and cities of the south-east in reasonable numbers.

Song Thrush, Turdus philomelos
A single noted on  in the Botanical Gardens, Melbourne on 13th Dec was the only sighting.

Golden-headed Cisticola *, Cisticola exilis
Singles were seen well at The Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec; at Mackay on 21st Jan and at the  Mareeba Wetlands, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Australian Reed-Warbler *, Acrocephalus australis
Calling/singing birds seen well at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further birds noted in the reedbed/marsh at Clayton (SA) on 18th Feb.

Tawny Grassbird *, Megalurus timoriensis
A surprising sighting was a single, in rank vegetation, at Paluma (Qld) on 24th Jan with another seen between Ingham (Qld) and Cairns (Qld) on 25th Jan on the edge of a cane field.

Little Grassbird *, Megalurus gramineus
A single was eventually seen well at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec after persistent imitation of its call by my co-birder Tania Ireton.  Another seen  very well in the reedbed/marsh at Clayton (SA) on 18th Feb.

Brown Songlark *, Cincloramphus cruralis
A displaying bird was seen well at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec with further males seen well between Camooweal (Qld) and Tennant Creek (NT) on 4th Feb; between Melrose and Adelaide (SA) on 13th Feb and  near to Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.

Rufous Songlark *, Cincloramphus mathewsi
First recorded in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan with others seen as roadside birds, in passing.

Willie-wagtail *, Rhipidura leucophrys
Widespread and common and recorded through out.  First seen at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 4th Dec.

Gray Fantail *, Rhipidura fuliginosa
Relatively common in the south-east.  A single of the mountain sub-species R.f.keasti was seen on Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Rufous Fantail *, Rhipidura rufifrons
First noted at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 6th Dec with further sightings at O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan; Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan; Atherton Tablelands on 30th Jan and finally at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb. One of the smartest birds of the trip.

Black-faced Monarch *, Monarcha melanopsis
First seen in the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve in the Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec with further sightings at O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan; Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan; Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 27th/28th Jan and finally in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan.

Spectacled Monarch *, Monarcha trivirgatus
First seen in woodland at Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan with further sightings at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Environmental Park, Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Pied Monarch *, Arses kaupi
The only sighting of this sought after species was a male, first picked up on call and then "whistled-in" by my guide, in rainforest  near to Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.  It showed very well, albeit not for any great length at any one time, and was one of the highlights of my stay in the Atherton Tablelands.

Leaden Flycatcher *, Myiagra rubecula
What was thought to be this species was noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec, with a confirmed sighting at Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Satin Flycatcher *, Myiagra cyanoleuca
First seen at the Chiltern Box-Ironbark NP (Vic) on 19th Dec with further sightings at the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan and the Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan.

Restless Flycatcher *, Myiagra inquieta
Very brief views of this species in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan with no further sighting until two were seen very well in woodland near Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb.

Shining Flycatcher *, Myiagra alecto
A female was seen very well in the mangroves close to the airport at Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan with the male only seen briefly the same day.  A further female was seen, sitting on her nest in the mangroves along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Yellow-breasted Boatbill *, Machaerirhynchus flaviventer
A single singing male was eventually seen very well in the orchard area of Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Jacky-winter *, Microeca fascinans
Widespread in small numbers and the most frequently encountered of the robins.

Lemon-bellied Flycatcher *, Microeca flavigaster
A single seen well in the top of a tree, in the parkland adjoining Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Scarlet Robin *, Petroica multicolor
A female, showing some red on the breast and white above the bill, was seen well on the slopes of Flinders Peak, You Yangs NP (Vic) on 21st Dec with a male being seen well around  Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges NP (SA) on 12th Feb.

Red-capped Robin *, Petroica goodenovii
First seen at the car park at Simpson's Gap, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 6th Feb with further sightings of this species at Ormiston Gorge, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb; Flinders Ranges NP (SA) on 12th Feb and in the Gulpa State Forest, Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb.

Flame Robin *, Petroica phoenicea
A female on the slopes of Flinders Peak in the You Yangs NP (Vic) on 21st Dec with a male seen at the same site on 25th Dec.

Hooded Robin *, Melanodryas cucullata
First seen in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan with further sightings of this smart pied species at Standley Chasm, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb; between Alice Springs and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb and in the Wyperfield NP (Vic) on 20th Feb. 

Pale-yellow Robin *, Tregellasia capito
A pair were seen well along the rainforest trail at Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan with Yellow Robin also seen nearby for comparison. This species was also seen at The Crater, Mt Hypipamee NP, Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan and on Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Yellow Robin *, Eopsaltria australis
Widespread in small numbers in suitable rainforest habitat.

White-browed Robin *, Poecilodryas superciliosa
Two birds were seen well along Big Mitchell Creek near Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Gray-headed Robin *, Heteromyias cinereifrons
First seen along the rainforest trail at Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan with further sightings at sites with suitable habitat in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan.

Crested Shrike-tit *, Falcunculus frontatus
A pair around the main picnic area at the base of Flinders Peak in the You Yangs NP (Vic) on 21st Dec was an unexpected bonus, with the only other sighting of this species being in the Dharug NP (NSW) just across the Hawksbury River from Wiseman's Ferry on 1st Mar.

Crested Bellbird *, Oreoica gutturalis
First recorded at a roadside stop between Kulgera (NT) and Glendambo (SA) on 10th Feb.  Birds were also recorded in the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 21st Feb.

Gray Whistler *, Pachycephala simplex
A single was seen well in forested habitat near to Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.  Found by the Kingfisher Park guide, it was a species that had eluded me until then.  Possibly, it had been over-looked.

Golden Whistler *, Pachycephala pectoralis
Noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec; Otway NP (Vic) on 23rd Dec; between Yarra Junction and Gembrook (Vic) on 26th Dec; Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan; O'Reilly's, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan; Cape Hillsborough  NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan.

Rufous Whistler *, Pachycephala rufiventris
The most frequently encountered whistler sp. with birds noted throughout.

Rufous Shrike-Thrush *, Colluricincla megarhyncha
First noted at Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan with further sightings at Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 24th/25th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Bower's Shrike-Thrush *, Colluricincla boweri
The only definite sighting of this species was at the Curtain Fig Tree in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th Jan when one was seen at close range.  Some of the sightings of  the previous species may, in actual fact, have been this species but views were often brief and at distance, so they were attributed to the commoner species.

Gray Shrike-Thrush *, Colluricincla harmonica
A widespread species frequently encountered, with the first recorded sighting at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec.

Gray-crowned Babbler *, Pomatostomus temporalis
First seen in roadside gardens at South Grafton (NSW) on 11th Jan with further sightings between Richmond and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb and at Simpson's Gap, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 5th and 7th Feb.

White-browed Babbler *, Pomatostomus superciliosus
A party of this species was seen well in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan with further recorded sightings between Alice Springs (NT)and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb; between Glendambo (SA) and Port Augusta (SA) on 11th Feb; between Clayton (SA) and Wyperfield NP (Vic) on 19th Feb and around Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb.

Chestnut-crowned Babbler *, Pomatostomus ruficeps
The only sighting of this species was in the mallee country with birds seen at the Hattah road junction (Vic) on 20th Feb with further birds seen nearby the following day.

Logrunner *, Orthonyx temminckii
A species that always seemed to be in pairs with at least two pairs noted around O'Reillys at Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan. Also seen well at Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan.

Chowchilla *, Orthonyx spaldingii
Birds were seen well in the rainforest at Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan, with further sightings at suitable sites in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan.

Eastern Whipbird *, Psophodes olivaceus
Noted only infrequently.  First seen at Wauchope (NSW) on 10th Jan, with further sightings at O'Reilly's, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan; Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan and at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb.

Cinnamon Quail-thrush *, Cinclosoma cinnamomeum
The only sighting was of two birds frequenting a scrubby depression at the Thomas & Thomas site of 21km N of Erldunda (NT).  They were elusive at first but with persistence I was able to see them extremely well as they tried to hide under the vegetation.

Red-backed Fairywren *, Malurus melanocephalus
Only seen infrequently with the first pair being seen at a roadside stop between Biloela (Qld) and Bauhinia (Qld) on 20th Jan with other males seen in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 31st Jan and 1st Feb.

White-winged Fairywren *, Malurus leucopterus
A group of females/immatures were seen in scrub at the site 21km N of Erldunda (NT) on 8th Feb with males being seen in scrub bordering a farm pond just north of Port Augusta (SA) on 11th Feb and near Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb

Superb Fairywren *, Malurus cyaneus
Noted only around the south-east with the first sighting on the 6th December at Lane Cove NP, Sydney.

Splendid Fairywren *, Malurus splendens
A female was seen well at Ochre Pits, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb.

Variegated Fairywren *, Malurus lamberti
Noted on 5th December at Lane Cove NP, Sydney, with a few sightings thereafter in the south-east.

Lovely Fairywren *, Malurus amabilis
Only a pair of this species seen and these were in the mangroves by the Centenary Lakes, Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan and showed themselves following brief  "pishing".

Southern Emuwren *, Stipiturus malachurus
A species finally got to grips with after several hours of searching.  However, good, if somewhat brief views of a female in a bush at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb was better than leaving Australia having failed

Eastern Bristlebird *, Dasyornis brachypterus
Up to nine were seen, most very confiding and showing themselves very well, around Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb.  Birds were also heard calling.

Rufous Bristlebird *, Dasyornis broadbenti
Several birds were seen well in the various car parks along the Great Ocean Road (Vic) between Peterborough and Princetown with the first being close to Peterborough on 22nd Dec.  With quiet observation, individuals would come out into the open for several minutes at a time.

Pilotbird *, Pycnoptilus floccosus
One was seen briefly at the entrance to Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb with either it or another called in by tape by the warden of the reserve.  This second bird showed very well at close range over a period of several minutes.

Rock Warbler *, Origma solitaria
The final new species of the trip was a pair of this species feeding along  the track and the adjoining rockface of the Old Great North Road in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 1st March.  Having searched this site on a previous date, I am surprised that I missed seeing the species on that occasion.

Fernwren *, Oreoscopus gutturalis
Another species high on my wants list finally fell, deep in rainforest on Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.  Found by Carol, the Kingfisher Park guide, it showed well for several minutes.

Yellow-throated Scrubwren *, Sericornis citreogularis
First noted in the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve, Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec as it closely followed a foraging Superb Lyrebird. Thereafter, the species was found to be relatively common in rainforest habitat.

White-browed Scrubwren *, Sericornis frontalis
A frequently encountered species with sightings all along the east coast in suitable habitat from rainforest through to city botanical gardens. First recorded at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec.

Atherton Scrubwren *, Sericornis keri
Found in the rainforest on Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan by the Kingfisher Park guide, it was seen almost alongside the following species which allowed the differences between the two species to be noted.  No further sightings were had.

Large-billed Scrubwren *, Sericornis magnirostris
Noted regularly in rainforest habitat with the first recorded sighting being in the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve, Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec.

Striated Fieldwren *, Calamanthus fuliginosus
A very showy individual was watched for some time 'bouncing' around on one of the tracks around the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

Buff-rumped Thornbill *, Acanthiza reguloides
A party of this species were seen on the climb to Flinders Peak, You Yangs RP (Vic) on 25th Dec.

Mountain Thornbill *, Acanthiza katherina
Several parties of this species were seen feeding high in the canopy around the car park at Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan with further sightings in the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan.

Brown Thornbill *, Acanthiza pusilla
Widespread in the south-east.

Inland Thornbill *, Acanthiza apicalis
Birds seen well in roadside scrub between Alice Springs (NT) and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb; between Yulara (NT) and Kulgera (NT) on 9th Feb and in the Flinders Ranges NP (SA)on 12th Feb.

Yellow-rumped Thornbill *, Acanthiza chrysorrhoa
A party of birds around the centre of Khancoban on 9th Dec with further sightings at Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec; between Clayton (SA) and Ouyen (Vic) on 19th Feb and near Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb.

Chestnut-rumped Thornbill *, Acanthiza uropygialis
At least two birds were seen well in scrub around the car park at Ochre Pits, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb, with further sightings in roadside scrub between Alice Springs (NT) and Yulara (NT) on 8th Feb.

Yellow Thornbill *, Acanthiza nana
A single noted along the entrance road hedgerow at the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee on 11th Dec with the only other sightings being in the Flinders Ranges NP on 12th Feb; near Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb and in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 1st Mar.

Striated Thornbill *, Acanthiza lineata
Only seen around the Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains NP (NSW) on 7th Jan.

Weebill *, Smicrornis brevirostris
First recorded in trees near the Mary Ann Dam, Tennant Creek (NT) on 5th Feb with further birds noted in the West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb and in the mallee between Wyperfield NP (Vic) and Mildura (Vic) on 20th Feb.

Fairy Gerygone *, Gerygone palpebrosa
The only sighting was in the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan.

White-throated Gerygone *, Gerygone olivacea
The only sightings of this species were in the Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan and along the causeway at Lake Mitchell, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Large-billed Gerygone *, Gerygone magnirostris
The only individual seen was in the mangroves along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Brown Gerygone *, Gerygone mouki
Noted in the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve, Budderoo NP (NSW) on 30th Dec; at Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan; Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan and on Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan.

Mangrove Gerygone *, Gerygone levigaster
First seen in the mangroves at the botanical gardens in Coffs Harbour (NSW)on 19th Jan with further sightings in similar habitat at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan.  Surprisingly, none were noted in the mangroves around Cairns (Qld).

Southern Whiteface *, Aphelocephala leucopsis
The only sighting of this species was at a roadside stop between Kulgera (NT) and Glendambo (SA) on 10th Feb when a small party were seen around a dried up waterhole at the entrance to a cattle station.

Orange Chat *, Epthianura aurifrons
A superb male flew across the road and then sat in a roadside bush for several minutes at a site between Yulara (NT) and Kulgera (NT) on 9th Feb, with a pair of this species seen around a farm waterhole just north of Port Augusta (SA) on 11th Feb.

White-fronted Chat *, Epthianura albifrons
First noted at the Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec, with further sightings at Swan Lake, Phillip Island (Vic) on 14th Dec; Wilson's Promontory (Vic) on 16th Dec; between Barham (Vic) and Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb and around Deniliquin (NSW) on 23rd Feb.

Varied Sitella *, Neositta chrysoptera
The only sighting, disappointingly, was a single of the sub-species N.c.pileata (Black-capped Sitella) in a roadside tree at the Neutral Junction turning off the Stuart Highway near Barrow Creek (NT) on 5th Feb.

White-throated Treecreeper *, Cormobates leucophaeus
The most frequently encountered treecreeper with sightings throughout.  First recorded at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 5th Dec,

Brown Treecreeper *, Climacteris picumnus
Several noted at the Chiltern Box-Ironbark NP (Vic) on 9th Dec with further sightings in the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 21st Feb and near Deniliquin  (NSW) on both 22nd and 23rd Feb.

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis
The first sighting was in beachside trees along Smalley's Beach at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan with the species noted at other lowland coastal sites in northern Queensland, thereafter.

Mistletoebird *, Dicaeum hirundinaceum
Frequently encountered in a variety of habitats with some lovely bright males being seen.  First recorded at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 6th Dec.

Spotted Pardalote *, Pardalotus punctatus
First noted on at the Botanical Gardens, Canberra (ACT) on 8th Dec and later that date around the campsite at Geehi, NSW with occasional birds noted thereafter in the south-east.  Further singles were noted in the Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan and in the mallee between Wyperfield NP (Vic) and Mildura (Vic) on 20th Feb.

Striated Pardalote *, Pardalotus striatus
First noted at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec with a bird of the sub-species P.s.melanocephalus seen at Rolleston (Qld) on 21st Jan.  Birds were also seen in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb; Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges NP (SA) on 12th Feb and around Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd/23rd Feb.

Silver-eye *, Zosterops lateralis
Widespread and noted almost throughout.  First seen at the Australian Botanical Gardens in Canberra (ACT) on 8th Dec.

Brown Honeyeater *, Lichmera indistincta
First recorded at South Grafton (NSW) on 11th Jan and thereafter recorded widely along the coast northwards.

Dusky Myzomela *, Myzomela obscura
First seen at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan and thereafter encountered frequently at coastal sites.

Scarlet Myzomela *, Myzomela sanguinolenta
First seen in the Booderee NP, Jervis Bay (NSW) on 30th Dec with the only other sighting in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan.

Black Honeyeater *, Certhionyx niger
An unexpected treat was the finding of a single bird in the garden opposite the campsite in Rolleston (Qld) on the morning of 21st Jan.  There were feeders and water put out for birds in this garden and this was just one of several species that were visiting the site.  It was the only one of this species that was seen during the three months.

Pied Honeyeater *, Certhionyx variegates
An unexpected sighting was around the Alice Springs Desert Park (NT) on 6th Feb when a free-flying bird appeared on a pathside tree.  This species was also recorded near Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb when a party of seven birds was found whilst looking for Superb Parrot.

Graceful Honeyeater *, Meliphaga gracilis
Recorded only along the esplanade at Cairns (Qld) on 26th Jan when a party were frequenting the low trees along the seafront and at Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 30th Jan and 1st Feb.

Yellow-spotted Honeyeater *, Meliphaga notata
First seen on Mount Whitmore, Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan with further sightings at Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan and the Atherton Tablelands (Qld) on 30th/31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Lewin's Honeyeater *, Meliphaga lewinii
A common honeyeater of the east coast and encountered frequently.  First seen at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec.

Bridled Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus frenatus
Two around the car park of The Crater, Mt Hypipamee NP (Qld) on 30th Jan.  Apparently they are a rare visitor to the Ivy Cottage tearooms, Paluma (Qld) the site recommended in Thomas & Thomas. The species was also seen on Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Eungella Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus hindwoodi
At least two birds were seen feeding high in a flowering tree along Dalrymple Road, Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan.  A disappointing but adequate sighting.

Yellow-faced Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus chrysops
A common honeyeater of eucalyptus woodland, first noted between Jindabyne and Geehi (NSW) on 8th Dec and seen frequently in suitable habitat thereafter.

Varied Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus versicolor
Two were seen well in trees in a car park at Port Douglas (Qld) on 31st Jan.  Supposedly common at Cairns, I had been unable to find any.

Mangrove Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus fasciogularis
The first and only sighting was in suitable habitat and on nearby wires, at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan.

Singing Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus virescens
A common honeyeater of scrubby areas with the first ones seen in the coastal heaths of south Victoria along the Great Ocean Road on 22nd Dec.  Birds were also recorded in the arid interior of the Northern Territory and inland around the Murray River (NSW/Vic).

Yellow Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus flavus
First seen around the campsite at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan and thereafter was recorded at Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 26th/28th Jan and the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.

White-gaped Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus unicolor
The only sighting of this species was in trees near the marina in Townsville (Qld) on 24th Jan.

White-eared Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus leucotis
One seen well around The Balconies lookout in the Grampians NP (Vic) on 22nd Dec with no further sightings until several were seen along the Old Great North Road in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 1st Mar.

Yellow-tufted Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus melanops
Widespread in the south-east and often encountered in that area.  First recorded at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec.

Purple-gaped Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus cratitius
A single was seen well in the mallee due south of Murrayville (Vic) on 19th Feb.

Gray-headed Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus keartlandi
First seen around the Mary Ann Dam, Tennant Creek (NT) on 5th Feb with further sightings in the  West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 6th/7th Feb.

Fuscous Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus fuscus
One of the plainest of the honeyeaters and noted only  at the Chiltern Box-Ironbark NP (Vic) on 9th and 19th Dec and in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Gray-fronted Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus plumulus
A single was seen well on the climb to the overlook at Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges NP (SA) on 12th Feb.  This was the only sighting of this species.

Yellow-plumed Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus ornatus
A widespread species in mallee habitat, with the first sighting in the mallee south of Murrayville (Vic) on 19th Feb.

White-plumed Honeyeater *, Lichenostomus penicillatus
A widespread honeyeater and noted throughout.  First recorded around Lake Anderson, Chiltern (Vic) on 9th Dec.

Macleay's Honeyeater *, Xanthotis macleayana
First seen (very well) at the Ivy Cottage tearooms, Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan with further sightings at Mount Whitmore, Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan; Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan and finally at Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 30th Jan and 1st Feb.

White-naped Honeyeater *, Melithreptus lunatus
First recorded at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec, with further sightings on Wilson's Promontory on 16th Dec and Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan.

White-throated Honeyeater *, Melithreptus albogularis
First noted in the Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan when I was able to see the blue eye crescent clearly, with further birds recorded at the Environmental Park, Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan and Kingfisher Park, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Black-chinned Honeyeater *, Melithtreptus gularis
A species missed at several sites but eventually seen  near the Stuart Memorial just north of Ti-Tree (NT) on 5th Feb.  At least two birds were seen and they were of the form M.g.laetior (Golden-backed Honeyeater).

Brown-headed Honeyeater *, Melithreptus brevirostris
The only recorded sighting of this species was at the You Yangs RP (Vic) on 11th Dec whilst in company with Tania Ireton.

Little Friarbird *, Philemon citreogularis
First noted around the botanical gardens in Bundaberg (Qld) on 19th Jan with another seen in the Atherton Tablelands  (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Helmeted Friarbird *, Philemon buceroides
First noted at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan with further birds recorded at Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan and Cairns (Qld) on 27th Jan.

Silver-crowned Friarbird *, Philemon argenticeps
Only recorded at Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan.

Noisy Friarbird *, Philemon corniculatus
Widespread and relatively common all along the east coast.  First noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec.

Crescent Honeyeater *, Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera
At least two noted in coastal scrub at Marengo near Apollo Bay (Vic) on 23rd Dec.

New Holland Honeyeater *, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae
Again, a common honeyeater of the south-east often noted around coastal scrub/heathland areas.  First seen at the Australian Botanical Gardens, Canberra (ACT) on 8th Dec.

White-cheeked Honeyeater *, Phylidonyris nigra
Noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec; in the Booderee NP, Jervis Bay (NSW) on 30th Dec; Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan; Wauchope (NSW) on 10th Jan; Cooloola NP (Qld) on 17th Jan and finally at Paluma (Qld) on 24th/25th Jan.

White-fronted Honeyeater *, Phylidonyris albifrons
First seen, surprisingly, in the mangroves along the riverfront at Port Augusta (SA) on 11th Feb when two birds were noted along with several other species of honeyeater. Also recorded in the mallee around the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 19th/20th/21st Feb.

Brown-backed Honeyeater *, Ramsayornis modestus
First seen in the Environmental Park at Townsville (Qld) on 23rd Jan with further sightings in the Botanic Gardens, Cairns (Qld) on 26th/27th/28th Jan and around the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Striped Honeyeater *, Plectorhyncha lanceolata
The only sighting of this species was in the Hattah-Kulkyne NP (Vic) on 21st Feb along the Nowingi track off the Old Calder Highway.

Rufous-throated Honeyeater *, Conopophila rufogularis
A single bird was seen in rank vegetation close to the shoreline of Horseshoe Lagoon, Ayr (Qld) on 24th Jan, with a further sighting of this species between Richmond and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb.

Painted Honeyeater *, Grantiella picta
A stunning species, with up two noted around Deniliquin (NSW) on 22nd Feb whilst out with Phil Maher.  The smartest of all the honeyeaters seen.

Eastern Spinebill *, Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
First noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec and thereafter seen occasionally.  A widespread species around the south-east albeit in small numbers with odd birds noted in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Blue-faced Honeyeater *, Entomyzon cyanotis
First seen at South Grafton (NSW) on 10th Jan and thereafter was noted at various sites along the coast as we travelled north through Queensland.

Bell Miner *, Manorina melanophrys
First noted in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne (Vic) on 13th Dec, with further sightings at Moorooduc Quarry Flora and Fauna Park on 14th Dec and in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan.

Noisy Miner *, Manorina melanocephala
Common and widespread in the south-east. First recorded at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 4th Dec.

Yellow-throated Miner *, Manorina flavigula
First noted at Rolleston (Qld) on 21st Jan and thereafter found to be the common Miner species throughout the outback.

Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater *, Acanthagenys rufogularis
First seen at Simpson's Gap in the West MacDonnell NP near Alice Springs (NT) on 5th Feb with this species thereafter being quite widespread down as far as the mallee area of Victoria.

Red Wattlebird *, Anthochaera carunculata
Widespread and common around the south and south-east with the first sighting in the Sydney suburbs on 7th Dec.

Brush Wattlebird *, Anthochaera chrysoptera
First noted at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec, with frequent sightings thereafter in the south and south-east.

Olive-backed Oriole *, Oriolus sagittatus
First noted at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec with sightings thereafter in the You Yangs RP (Vic) on 21st Dec; Lane Cove NP (NSW) on 1st Jan; Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan; Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan and finally in the Atherton Tablelands on 1st Feb.

Green Oriole *, Oriolus flavocinctus
First seen along the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan with further sightings later that day at Cooya Beach, Mossman (Qld).

Green Figbird *, Sphecotheres viridis
First noted at Nambucca Heads (NSW) on 10th Jan and thereafter the species became common along the coast, particularly in Queensland.

Spangled Drongo *, Dicrurus bracteatus

Recorded infrequently, with the first sighting at Canungra (Qld) in roadside trees near the campsite.  Thereafter, this species was seen at Cape Hillsborough NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan; Townsville Environmental Park (Qld) on 23rd Jan; Paluma (Qld) on 24th/25th Jan; Cairns (Qld) on 26th/28th Jan and finally in the  Atherton Tablelands on 30th/31st Jan and 1st Feb.

Magpie-lark *, Grallina cyanoleuca
Widespread and always seeming to appear in pairs.  First recorded in the centre of Sydney (NSW) on  5th Dec.

White-winged Chough *, Corcorax melanorhamphos
First noted near to Lake Eildon (Vic) on 10th Dec, with further sightings throughout although mainly in the south and south-east.  The species more often than not was found in small groups.

Apostlebird *, Struthidea cinerea
A party of birds, roadside as we approached Rolleston (Qld) on 20th Jan were only seen briefly but a further party the following morning in Rolleston itself showed extremely well.  They were also recorded between Atherton (Qld) and Greenvale (Qld) on 1st Feb and between Greenvale (Qld) and Richmond (Qld) on 2nd Feb.

White-breasted Woodswallow, Artamus leucorynchus
First noted near Wauchope (NSW) on 9th Jan and thereafter, it became the most frequently encountered woodswallow species, regularly being noted on roadside wires.

Masked Woodswallow *, Artamus personatus
First seen between Richmond (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld) on 3rd Feb after checking out many other woodswallows on roadside wires.  Also recorded between Tennant Creek (NT) and Alice Springs (NT) on 5th Feb.

White-browed Woodswallow *, Artamus superciliosus
First seen between Yass (NSW) and Binalong (NSW) on 8th Dec and thereafter at Chiltern (Vic) on 10th Dec; between Melbourne and Ararat (Vic) on 21st Dec and in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Black-faced Woodswallow *, Artamus cinereus
First seen on roadside wires just north of Bundaberg (Qld) on 20th Jan with numerous sightings thereafter, particularly in drier areas.

Dusky Woodswallow *, Artamus cyanopterus
Noted at the Chiltern Box-Ironbark NP (Vic) on 9th Dec and thereafter in the You Yangs RP (Vic) on 25th Dec; along Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan and finally between Greenvale (Qld) and Richmond (Qld) on 2nd Feb.

Little Woodswallow *, Artamus minor
The last of the woodswallow species fell at Simpson's Gap, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 5th Feb when a party of this species were seen, both in flight feeding around the entrance to the gorge and resting on trees in the area.  They were also recorded at Standley Chasm in the same range of hills on 7th Feb.

Gray Butcherbird *, Cracticus torquatus
Noted infrequently.  First recorded at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec.

Pied Butcherbird *, Cracticus nigrogularis
First seen as a roadside bird near to Singleton (NSW) on 8th Jan, with numerous further sightings in Queensland, particularly along the coast between Brisbane and Cairns and in the arid interior around Alice Springs (NT).

Black Butcherbird *, Cracticus quoyi
This species was only recorded in the Botanic Gardens, Cairns (Qld), with sightings on both 27th/28th Jan.

Australasian Magpie *, Gymnorhyna tibicen
Widespread, with a greater density of numbers in the east and south-east.  First recorded at Lane Cove NP, Sydney on 4th Dec.

Pied Currawong *, Strepera graculina
Never noted in particularly large numbers but more common around the woodlands of the south-east.  First recorded at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 5th Dec.

Gray Currawong *, Strepera versicolor
Similar to the previous species with the first sighting being at the Botanical Gardens, Canberra (ACT) on 8th Dec.

Paradise Riflebird *, Ptiloris paradiseus
A female was seen in company with two young birds in the rainforest at O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th Jan, with a further female noted at Mount Glorious (Qld) on 16th Jan.

Victoria's Riflebird *, Ptiloris victoriae
At least three of this species were seen exceptionally well at the Ivy Cottage tearooms, Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan with a further sighting at Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan.

Spotted Catbird *, Ailuroedus melanotis
First seen at Paluma (Qld) on 24th/25th Jan with further sightings at Kuranda (Qld) on 28th Jan and in the Atherton Tablelands on 30th Jan. 

Green Catbird *, Ailuroedus crassirostris
Often heard and only infrequently seen as they tended to stay in the canopy of the forest.  Sightings were however had at O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th and 13th Jan.

Tooth-billed Catbird *, Ailuroedus dentrostris
At least two birds seen reasonably well as they moved around in the forest canopy on Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Regent Bowerbird *, Sericulus chrysocephalus
A relatively common species around O'Reillys at Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan, with females/immatures being numerous and only one or possibly two resplendent males being seen. The only other sighting was at the Broken River campsite in the Eungella NP (Qld) on 22nd Jan.

Satin Bowerbird *, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus
First noted around the campsite at Geehi (NSW) on 10th Dec with further sightings in the Dharug NP (NSW) on 3rd Jan; Katoomba (NSW) on 6th Jan; the Botanical Gardens, Coffs Harbour (NSW) on 10th Jan (when a bower was seen); O'Reillys, Lamington NP (Qld) on 12th/13th Jan and finally at Paluma (Qld) on 25th Jan.

Western Bowerbird *, Chlamydera guttata
One showed extremely well in trees/bushes along the wooded gorge at the entrance to the car park at Ormiston Gorge, West MacDonnell NP (NT) on 7th Feb.  The only sighting of this species which is at the limit of its range at this site.

Spotted Bowerbird *, Chlamydera maculata
At least two of this species were seen at a roadside stop between Springsure (Qld) and Clermont (Qld) on 21st Jan with no further sightings thereafter.

Great Bowerbird *, Chlamydera nuchalis
First seen in the township of Mount Molloy (Qld) in the centre of the town with either it or another in the grounds of the local school where the bower was also seen.  Another one or possibly two were also seen well at Bluewater Springs Roadhouse (Qld) on 2nd Feb.

Torresian Crow *, Corvus orru
Widespread in the north and centre.  First recorded at Grafton (NSW) on 10th Jan.

Little Crow *, Corvus bennetti
First noted around settlements between Mount Isa (Qld) and Camooweal (Qld), and thereafter seen frequently in the arid interior, around cattle stations and roadhouses.

Australian Raven *, Corvus coronoides
Widespread.  First recorded at Lane Cove NP, Sydney (NSW) on 5th Dec.

Little Raven *, Corvus mellori
Noted at the Western Treatment Plant at Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec, where it is the only occurring corvid.

Forest Raven *, Corvus tasmanicus
Noted in reasonable numbers on Wilson's Promontory (Vic) on 16th Dec and in the Otway NP (Vic) on 23rd Dec.  Not recorded elsewhere.

Metallic Starling *, Aplonis metallica
Several large flocks were recorded around Mission Beach (Qld) on 26th Jan; around  Cairns (Qld) on 27th/28th Jan and the Daintree River (Qld) on 31st Jan.

Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis
Noted around the towns and cities of the east and south-east, with further sightings in northern Queensland.

European Starling, Sturnus vulgaris
Widespread and common, occasionally in huge flocks.

Painted Firetail *, Emblema pictum
A party of this species were discovered at the Devils Marbles just south of Tennant Creek (NT) on 5th Feb with further birds seen at Simpson's Gap in the West MacDonnell NP (NT) the following day.

Beautiful Firetail *, Stagonopleara bella
Far from satisfactory, brief flight views of this species in the coastal scrub of the Great Ocean Road (Vic) on 23rd Dec were surpassed by excellent confiding views of two (or possibly four) birds at Barren Grounds NR (NSW) on 26th Feb.

Diamond Firetail *, Stagonopleura guttata
A stunning species seen all too infrequently.  First seen at the You Yangs RP (Vic) on 11th Dec with a further sighting in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Red-browed Firetail *, Neochmia temporalis
The commonest of the firetails and quite widespread.  First recorded at Avon Dam (NSW) on 7th Dec.

Plum-headed Finch *, Neochmia modesta
A party of birds in roadside bushes, at the same place as where the first Spotted Harrier was seen between Gladstone (Qld) and Rolleston (Qld) on the 20th Jan with a further party of this species seen close to our campsite in Rolleston the following morning.

Chestnut-eared Finch *, Taeniopygia castanotis
A widespread species with many large flocks encountered, particularly as we travelled the outback.  First recorded in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan.

Double-barred Finch *, Taeniopygia bichenovii
First noted in Glen Davis, Capertee (NSW) on 8th Jan with further sightings of this delightful species at Burnett Heads (Qld) on 18th Jan; at Rolleston (Qld) on 21st Jan and at the Mareeba Wetlands, Mareeba (Qld) on 1st Feb.

Blue-faced Parrotfinch *, Erythrura trichroa
A species eventually tracked down at the side of the track up Mount Lewis, Julatten (Qld) on 31st Jan.  A stunning male showed exceptionally well as it fed on roadside grass-seeds.

Chestnut-breasted Munia *, Lonchura castaneothorax
A fairly widespread roadside bird, especially around cane fields in northern Queensland.  First noted between Ingham and Cairns (Qld) on 25th Jan.

European Greenfinch, Carduelis chloris
The only recorded sighting was at The Western Treatment Plant, Werribee (Vic) on 11th Dec.

European Goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
Only recorded at Moorooduc Quarry (Vic) on 14th Dec.

House Sparrow , Passer domesticus
Widespread and common around habitation.


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