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A Report from


Jan Vermeulen

This list follows the sequence and scientific nomenclature of James F. Clements (July 1991, Birds of the World. A Check List and Supplement No. 1, 1992).

This specific treatment follows Dr. Charles Sibley and Dr. Burt L. Monroe, Jr (1990, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, Yale University Press).

Species in parentheses are the English names in "The Birds of China" by Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee, but only mentioned when these differ significantly from the Clements Check List. The Dutch names follow the translated "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Birds of the World" (Geïllustreerde Encyclopedie van de Vogels) of Dr. Christopher M. Perrins.

Data are estimates of the minimum numbers seen.

I have not listed exact numbers and sites of all species. I am sure that any birder can survive without knowing how many Eurasian Tree Sparrows we saw at Beijing or at Chengdu.

The following abbreviations are used:

100+  = at least 100 birds

1.    RUDDY SHELDUCK, Tadorna ferruginea, Casarca
Fairly common on the Tibetan Plateau.

2.    EURASIAN WIGEON, Anas penelope, Smient
A single drake at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

3.    MALLARD, Anas platyrhynchos, Wilde Eend
Small numbers at the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Tibetan Plateau and at Jiuzhaigou.

4.    FERRUGINOUS POCHARD, Aythya nyroca, Witoogeend
3 on the Tibetan Plateau.

5.    LITTLE EGRET, Egretta garzetta, Kleine Zilverreiger
A single observation near Chengdu.

6.    GREY HERON, Ardea cinerea, Blauwe Reiger
A single observation on the Tibetan Plateau near Wa Qie.

7.    CATTLE EGRET, Bubulcus ibis, Koereiger
4 on the Tibetan Plateau.

8.    CHINESE POND‑HERON, Ardeola bacchus, Chinese Ralreiger
25+ at the Summer Palace in Beijing, small numbers en route from Chengdu to Emei Shan.

9.    BLACK‑CROWNED NIGHT‑HERON, Nycticorax nycticorax, Kwak
Fairly common at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

10.  YELLOW BITTERN, Ixobrychus sinensis, Chinees Woudaapje
4 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

11.  CINNAMON (CHESTNUT) BITTERN, Ixobrychus cinnamomeus, Rossig Woudaapje
2 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

12.  ORIENTAL HONEY‑BUZZARD, Pernis ptilorhynchus, Aziatische Wespendief
3 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan, 1 en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

13.  BLACK KITE, Milvus migrans, Zwarte Wouw
Rather common on the Tibetan Plateau, small numbers en route from Jiuzhaigou to Sunpang.

14.  LAMMERGEIER, Gypaetus barbatus, Lammergier
3 at Wolong and 2 at Jiuzhaigou.

15.  HIMALAYAN GRIFFON, Gyps himalayensis, Himalaya‑gier
3 at Wolong.

16.  CHINESE GOSHAWK, Accipiter soloensis, Chinese Sperwer
2 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

17.  EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK, Accipiter nisus, Sperwer
3 at Wolong.

18.  COMMON BUZZARD, Buteo buteo, Buizerd
2 at Jiuzhaigou.

19.  UPLAND BUZZARD, Buteo hemilasius, Mongoolse Buizerd
2 at Wolong and also 2 at Jiuzhaigou. 

20.  GOLDEN EAGLE, Aquila chrysaetos, Steenarend
3 at Jiuzhaigou.

21.  MOUNTAIN HAWK‑EAGLE, Spizaetus nipalensis, Aziatische Kuifarend
Single birds at Emei Shan and at Wolong.

22.  EURASIAN KESTREL, Falco tinnunculus, Torenvalk
A single bird en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

23.  VERREAUX'S (PHEASANT) PARTRIDGE, Tetraophasis obscurus, Tibetaans Wigstaarthoen
A few heard at Jiuzhaigou.

24.  CHINESE BAMBOO‑PARTRIDGE, Bambusicola thoracica, Chinese Bamboe‑patrijs
Heard at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

25.  BLOOD PHEASANT, Ithaginis cruentus, Bloedfazant
8 at Wolong.

26.  TEMMINCK'S TRAGOPAN, Tragopan temminckii, Temmincks Saterhoen
A splendid observation at Wolong.

27.  BLUE EARED‑PHEASANT, Crossoptilon auritum, Blauwe Oorfazant
2 males and a female at Jiuzhaigou.

28.  COMMON PHEASANT, Phasianus colchicus, Fazant
4 en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

29.  LADY AMHERST'S PHEASANT, Chrysolophus amherstiae, Lady Amherstfazant
A male seen and many heard at Emei Shan.

30.  SEVERTZOV'S GROUSE, Bonasa sewerzowi, Zwartborsthazelhoen
5 at Jiuzhaigou.

31.  WHITE‑BREASTED WATERHEN, Amaurornis phoenicurus, Witborstwaterhoen
A single bird at Jiuzhaigou.

32.  BLACK‑NECKED CRANE, Grus nigricollis, Zwarthalskraanvogel
7 (5 at Wa Qie) on the Tibetan Plateau.

33.  COMMON REDSHANK, Tringa totanus, Tureluur
Small numbers on the Tibetan Plateau.

34.  HERRING GULL, Larus argentatus, Zilvermeeuw
1 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

35.  COMMON TERN, Sterna hirundo, Visdief
2 at the Summer Palace in Beijing, a few on the Tibetan Plateau.

36.  ROCK DOVE, Columba livia, Rotsduif
Common near settlements and in cities.

37.  SPECKLED WOOD‑PIGEON, Columba hodgsonii, Hodgsons Duif
Heard a few times at Wolong.

38.  ORIENTAL TURTLE‑DOVE, Streptopelia orientalis, Oosterse Tortel
3 at Wolong.

39.  SPOTTED DOVE, Streptopelia chinensis, Parelhalstortel
A few at the Summer Palace in Beijing, 1 near Wa Qie.

40.  RED COLLARED‑DOVE (RED TURTLE DOVE), Streptopelia tranquebarica, Rode Tortel
A single observation at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

41.  CHESTNUT‑WINGED (RED-WINGED) CUCKOO, Clamator coromandus, Coromandelkoekoek
3 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

42.  LARGE HAWK‑CUCKOO, Cuculus sparverioides, Grote Sperwerkoekoek
A few seen and many heard almost every day of the trip.

43.  INDIAN CUCKOO, Cuculus micropterus, Kortvleugelkoekoek
Small numbers at Emei Shan.

44.  COMMON CUCKOO, Cuculus canorus, Koekoek
Small numbers at Bao Guo near Emei Shan, at Emei Shan, on the Tibetan Plateau and en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

45.  ORIENTAL CUCKOO, Cuculus saturatus, Boskoekoek
A few at Emei Shan and at Wolong.

46.  BANDED BAY CUCKOO, Cacomantis sonneratii, Gestreepte Piet‑van‑Vliet
A single bird at Wolong.

47.  ASIAN KOEL, Eudynamys scolopacea, Indische Koel
Small numbers in the Emei Shan area.

48.  HIMALAYAN SWIFTLET, Collocalia brevirostris, Himalaja‑salangaan
Common at Emei Shan.

49.  WHITE‑THROATED NEEDLETAIL, Hirundapus caudacautus, Stekelstaartgierzwaluw
10+ at Emei Shan, common at Wolong and fairly common at Jiuzhaigou.

50.  COMMON SWIFT, Apus apus, Gierzwaluw
Common at Beijing and near Chengdu.

51.  FORK‑TAILED SWIFT, Apus pacificus, Siberische Gierzwaluw
Rather common at Wolong and en route from Wolong to Hongyuan.

52.  HOUSE SWIFT, Apus affinis, Huisgierzwaluw
A few en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

53.  COMMON KINGFISHER, Alcedo atthis, IJsvogel
Single birds en route from Chengdu to Emei Shan, at Bao Guo near Emei Shan, at Jiuzhaigou and en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

54.  BLACK‑CAPPED KINGFISHER, Halcyon pileata, Zwartkapijsvogel
3 en route from Chengdu to Wolong, a few at Wolong, 1 on the Tibetan Plateau and 1 en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

55.  EURASIAN HOOPOE, Upupa epops, Hop
3 at Jiuzhaigou.

56.  EURASIAN WRYNECK, Jynx torquila, Draaihals
3 on the Tibetan Plateau near Wa Qie.

57.  GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER, Dendrocopos major, Grote Bonte Specht
Single ones at the Summer Palace in Beijing and at the Mutianyu Great Wall.

58.  THREE‑TOED WOODPECKER, Picoides tridactylus, Drieteenspecht
A pair at Wolong and 1 at Jiuzhaigou.

59.  BLACK WOODPECKER, Dryocopus martius, Zwarte Specht
A few birds heard at Jiuzhaigou.

60.  GREY‑FACED (GRAY-HEADED) WOODPECKER, Picus canus, Grijskopspecht
A single observation en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

61.  ASHY DRONGO, Dicrurus leucophaeus, Grijze Drongo
1 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

62.  HAIR‑CRESTED (SPANGLED) DRONGO, Dicrurus hottentotus, Haarkuifdrongo
Small numbers almost every day of the trip.

63.  EURASIAN JAY, Garrulus glandarius, Gaai
Single ones at Emei Shan and Wolong, 3 at Jiuzhaigou.

64.  BLUE MAGPIE, Urocissa erythrorhyncha, Roodsnavelkitta
4 at the Summer Palace in Beijing, 5 at Wolong and 10+ at the Mutianyu Great Wall.

65.  AZURE‑WINGED MAGPIE, Cyanopica cyana, Blauwe Ekster
10+ at the Summer Palace in Beijing and 1 en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

66.  GREY TREEPIE, Dendrocitta formosae, Grijsborstboomekster
A single bird at Emei Shan.

67.  BLACK‑BILLED MAGPIE, Pica pica, Ekster
Small numbers at the Summer Palace in Beijing, en route from Chengdu to Emei Shan and on the Tibetan Plateau, 20+ at the Mutianyu Great Wall.

68.  TIBETAN (HUME'S) GROUND‑JAY, Pseudopodoces humilis, Holengaai
3 on the Tibetan Plateau.

69.  EURASIAN NUTCRACKER, Nucifraga caryocatactes, Notenkraker
2 at Wolong and also 2 at Jiuzhaigou.

70.  RED‑BILLED CHOUGH, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, Alpenkraai
10+ at Wolong and 6 en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

71.  DAURIAN JACKDAW, Corvus dauuricus, Daurische Kauw
4 on the Tibetan Plateau and 1 en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

72.  CARRION CROW, Corvus corone, Kraai
Small numbers at Jiuzhaigou and en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

73.  LARGE‑BILLED CROW, Corvus macrorhynchos, Dikbekkraai
A common and widespread species in Sichuan province.

74.  COMMON RAVEN, Corvus corax, Raaf
1 at Wolong, a few en route from Wolong to Hongyuan, on the Tibetan Plateau and at Jiuzhaigou.

75.  BROWN‑RUMPED (SWINHOE'S) MINIVET, Pericrocotus cantonensis, Bruinstuittriller
2 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

76.  LONG‑TAILED MINIVET, Pericrocotus ethologus, Langstaartmenievogel
6 at Emei Shan, fairly common at Wolong and at Jiuzhaigou.

77.  TIGER SHRIKE, Lanius tigrinus, Tijgerklauwier
2 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

78.  BROWN SHRIKE, Lanius cristatus, Bruine Klauwier
1 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

79.  LONG‑TAILED SHRIKE, Lanius schach, Langstaartklauwier
Rather common en route from Chengdu to Emei Shan, a few at Wolong.

80.  GREY‑BACKED SHRIKE, Lanius tephronotus, Himalaja‑klauwier
3 at Wolong, fairly common en route from Wolong to Hongyuan, common on the Tibetan Plateau and en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou, a few at Jiuzhaigou and en route from Jiuzhaigou to Chengdu.

81.  CHINESE GREY SHRIKE, Lanius sphenocercus, Chinese Klapekster
5 en route from Wolong to Hongyuan, 1 en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

82.  BROWN DIPPER, Cinclus pallasii, Zwarte Waterspreeuw
1 at Emei Shan and 2 at Jiuzhaigou.

83.  WHITE‑THROATED ROCK‑THRUSH, Monticola gularis, Amoerrotslijster
A single observation at Jiuzhaigou.

84.  BLUE ROCK‑THRUSH, Monticola solitarius, Blauwe Rotslijster
1 en route from Wolong to Hongyuan, 10+ en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

85.  BLUE WHISTLING‑THRUSH, Myiophonus caeruleus, Chinese Fluitlijster
5 at Emei Shan, rather common at Wolong, a few en route from Wolong to Hongyuan.

86.  EURASIAN BLACKBIRD, Turdus merula, Merel
6 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park at Chengdu.

87.  CHESTNUT THRUSH, Turdus rubrocanus, Kastanje‑lijster
Rather common at Jiuzhaigou.

88.  WHITE‑BACKED (KESSLER'S) THRUSH, Turdus kessleri, Kesslers Lijster
2 at Wolong, 3 en route from Wolong to Hongyuan, a few on the Tibetan Plateau, common at Jiuzhaigou.

89.  CRESTED MYNA, Acridotheres cristatellus, Kuifmaina
1 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

90.  GREY‑STREAKED FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa griseisticta, Gestreepte Vliegenvanger
4 at the Summer Palace in Beijing, 1 at Emei Shan.

91.  DARK‑SIDED FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa sibirica, Roetvliegenvanger
10 at Wolong, 3 at Jiuzhaigou.

92.  BROWN‑BREASTED FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa muttui, Bamboe‑vliegenvanger
2 at Emei Shan.

93.  FERRUGINOUS FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa ferruginea, Roestvliegenvanger
3 at Emei Shan.

94.  YELLOW‑RUMPED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula zanthopygia, Driekleurenvliegenvanger
A female at Hongyuan.

95.  SLATY‑BACKED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula hodgsonii, Hodgsons Vliegenvanger
A few at Wolong and 7 at Jiuzhaigou.

96.  RUFOUS (ORANGE)‑GORGETED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula strophiata, Roestvlekvliegenvanger
1 at Emei Shan, small numbers at Wolong.

97.  RED‑THROATED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula parva, Kleine Vliegenvanger
1 at the Summer Palace in Beijing and 3 at Jiuzhaigou.

98.  VERDITER FLYCATCHER, Eumyias thalassina, Azuurvliegenvanger
2 at Emei Shan.

99.  BLUE‑THROATED FLYCATCHER, Cyornis rubeculoides, Blauwkeelniltava
A male at Emei Shan.

100.   GREY‑HEADED CANARY‑FLYCATCHER, Culicicapa ceylonensis, Grijskopvliegenvanger
6 at Emei Shan and 1 at Wolong.

101.   BLACK‑THROATED BLUE ROBIN, Luscinia obscura, Zwartkeelnachtegaal
A female at Wolong.

102.   FIRETHROAT, Luscinia pectardens, Père Davids Nachtegaal
A splendid observation of 2 birds of this gorgeous species at Wolong.

103.   INDIAN BLUE ROBIN, Luscinia brunnea, Oranje Nachtegaal
2 at Wolong.

104.   ORANGE‑FLANKED BUSH‑ROBIN, Tarsiger cyanurus, Blauwstaart
4 at Jiuzhaigou, 1 en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

105.   GOLDEN BUSH‑ROBIN, Tarsiger chrysaeus, Goudstaart
6 on the summit at Emei Shan.

106.   ORIENTAL MAGPIE‑ROBIN, Copsychus saularis, Dayallijster
A few at Emei Shan, Bao Guo, Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu and at Wolong.

107.   BLACK REDSTART, Phoenicurus ochruros, Zwarte Roodstaart
Common on the Tibetan Plateau.

108.   WHITE‑THROATED REDSTART, Phoenicurus schisticeps, Witkeelroodstaart
4 at Jiuzhaigou.

109.   DAURIAN REDSTART, Phoenicurus auroreus, Spiegelroodstaart
A pair at the entrance of Jiuzhaigou reserve, 1 en route from Sunpang to Chengdu.

110.   BLUE‑FRONTED REDSTART, Phoenicurus frontalis, Himalaja‑roodstaart
4 at Jiuzhaigou.

111.   WHITE‑CAPPED (RIVER) REDSTART, Chaimarrornis leucocephalus, Rivierroodstaart
Very common along rivers and streams in Sichuan province.

112.   PLUMBEOUS REDSTART, Rhyacornis fuliginosus, Waterroodstaart
Fairly common along rivers and streams in Sichuan province.

113.   WHITE‑BELLIED REDSTART, Hodgsonius phaenicuroides, Witbuikroodstaart
A single bird at Emei Shan.

114.   LITTLE FORKTAIL, Enicurus scouleri, Kleine Vorkstaart
3 at Emei Shan.

115.   WHITE‑CROWNED FORKTAIL, Enicurus leschenaulti, Witkruinvorkstaart
A single observation at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

116.   SPOTTED FORKTAIL, Enicurus maculatus, Gevlekte Vorkstaart
A pair at Emei Shan.

117.   COMMON STONECHAT, Saxicola torquata, Roodborsttapuit
Raher common on the Tibetan Plateau.

118.   WHITE‑THROATED BUSHCHAT (HODGSON'S STONECHAT), Saxicola ferrea, Hodgsons Paapje
A single bird en route from Wa Qie to Jiuzhaigou.

119.   EURASIAN NUTHATCH, Sitta europaea, Boomklever
A single bird at Jiuzhaigou.

120.   SNOWY‑BROWED (CHINESE) NUTHATCH, Sitta villosa, Chinese Boomklever
8 at the Mutianyu Great Wall.

121.   EURASIAN TREECREEPER, Certhia familiaris, Taigaboomkruiper
6 at Jiuzhaigou.

122.   WINTER WREN, Troglodytes troglodytes, Winterkoning
A few heard and seen at Emei Shan and Jiuzhaigou.

123.   BLACK‑THROATED TIT, Aegithalos concinnus, Roodkruinstaartmees
Common at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

124.   BLACK‑BROWED TIT, Aegithalos iouschistos, Roestwangstaartmees
5 at Wolong.

125.   EURASIAN CRAG‑MARTIN, Hirundo rupestris, Rotszwaluw
Rather common at Wolong and en route from Sunpang to Chengdu

126.   BARN SWALLOW, Hirundo rustica, Boerenzwaluw
A common appearance in Sichuan province.

127.   RED‑RUMPED SWALLOW, Hirundo daurica, Roodstuitzwaluw
4 at the Summer Palace in Beijing, small numbers at Emei Shan and at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

128.   ASIAN MARTIN, Delichon dasypus, Aziatische Huiszwaluw
Common at Wolong, on the Tibetan Plateau and at Jiuzhaigou

129.   GOLDCREST, Regulus regulus, Goudhaantje
A single bird at Hongyuan.

130.   COLLARED FINCHBILL (COLLARED FINCH-BILLED BULBUL), Spizixos semitorques, Gekraagde Vinkbuulbuul
A single observation at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

131.   LIGHT‑VENTED BULBUL, Pycnonotus sinensis, Chinese Buulbuul
4 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

132.   BLACK BULBUL, Hypsipetes leucocephalus, Zwarte Buulbuul
Small numbers at Bao Guo near Emei Shan and at Emei Shan.

133.   CHESTNUT‑FLANKED WHITE‑EYE, Zosterops erythropleurus, Roodflankbrilvogel
A few at Emei Shan and at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

134.   JAPANESE WHITE‑EYE, Zosterops japonicus, Japanse Brilvogel
Small numbers at Bao Guo near Emei Shan, at Emei Shan and at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage
Park in Chengdu.

135.   STRIATED PRINIA, Prinia criniger, Bergprinia
Heard at Jiuzhaigou and en route from Sunpang to Chengdu

136.   CHESTNUT‑HEADED TESIA, Tesia castaneocoronata, Kastanjekoptesia
2 at Wolong.

137.   BROWNISH‑FLANKED BUSH‑WARBLER, Cettia fortipes, Bergstruikzanger
A single observation at Emei Shan.

138.   CHESTNUT‑CROWNED BUSH‑WARBLER, Cettia major, Grote Struikzanger
1 at Emei Shan.

139.   ABERRANT BUSH‑WARBLER, Cettia flavolivacea, Groene Struikzanger
6 at Emeri Shan and a single bird at Wolong.

140.   YELLOWISH‑BELLIED BUSH‑WARBLER, Cettia acanthizoides, Geelbuikstruikzanger
Single ones at Wolong and at Jiuzhaigou.

141.   GREY‑SIDED BUSH‑WARBLER, Cettia brunnifrons, Roodkopstruikzanger
A single one at Emei Shan.

142.   BLACK‑BROWED REED‑WARBLER, Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Zwartbrauwrietzanger
3 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

143.   BLUNT‑WINGED WARBLER, Acrocephalus concinens, Indische Veldrietzanger
2 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

144.   ORIENTAL REED‑WARBLER, Acrocephalus orientalis, Chinese Karekiet
10+ at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

145.   THICK‑BILLED WARBLER, Acrocephalus aedon, Diksnavelrietzanger
5 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

146.   CRESTED TIT‑WARBLER, Leptopoecile elegans, Kuifhaantje
A male at Jiuzhaigou.

147.   DUSKY WARBLER, Phylloscopus fuscatus, Bruine Boszanger
4 at the Summer Palace in Beijing, several at Wolong.

148.   TICKELL'S LEAF‑WARBLER, Phylloscopus affinis, Himalaya‑boszanger
2 at Jiuzhaigou.

149.   BUFF‑THROATED WARBLER, Phylloscopus subaffinis, Bruinkeelboszanger
5 at Emei Shan, common at Wolong.

150.   YELLOW‑STREAKED WARBLER, Phylloscopus armandii, Père Davids Boszanger
2 at Wolong, small numbers at Jiuzhaigou.

151.   BUFF‑BARRED WARBLER, Phylloscopus pulcher, Goudbandboszanger
2 at Jiuzhaigou.

152.   ASHY‑THROATED WARBLER, Phylloscopus maculipennis, Grijskeelboszanger
2 at Emei Shan, several at Wolong.

153.   LEMON‑RUMPED WARBLER, Phylloscopus proregulus, Pallas' Boszanger
10+ at Emei Shan, common at Wolong.

154.   CHINESE LEAF‑WARBLER, Phylloscopus sichuanensis, Chinese Boszanger
6 at Wolong and 7 at Jiuzhaigou.

155.   INORNATE WARBLER, Phylloscopus inornatus, Bladkoning
Small numbers at the Summer Palace in Beijing and at Jiuzhaigou.

156.   GREENISH WARBLER, Phylloscopus trochiloides, Grauwe Fitis
Small numbers at the Summer Palace in Beijing, Emei Shan and at Jiuzhaigou.

157.   LARGE‑BILLED LEAF‑WARBLER, Phylloscopus magnirostris, Diksnavelfitis
A very common appearance in Sichuan province

158.   BLYTH'S LEAF‑WARBLER, Phylloscopus reguloides, Blyths Bonzanger
2 at Emei Shan, 10+ at Wolong and rather common at Jiuzhaigou.

159.   GOLDEN‑SPECTACLED WARBLER, Seicercus burkii, Goudoogboszanger
Small numbers at Emei Shan, Wolong and at Jiuzhaigou.

160.   WHITE‑THROATED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax albogularis, Witkeellijstergaai
A single bird at Emei Shan.

161.   PÈRE DAVID'S LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax davidi, Père Davids Lijstergaai
2 at Wolong, 2 near Wa Qie and 1 at Jiuzhaigou.

162.   SUKATSCHEV'S LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax sukatschewi, Kansu‑lijstergaai
4 at Jiuzhaigou

163.   MOUSTACHED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax cineraceus, Baardlijstergaai
2 at Emei Shan.

164.   GIANT LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax maximus, Reuzenlijstergaai
Small numbers every day at Wolong.

165.   HWAMEI, Garrulax canorus, Witbrauwlijstergaai
Several birds at Bao Guo near Emei Shan and 5 at Emei Shan.

166.   WHITE‑BROWED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax sannio, Swinhoe's Lijstergaai
4 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

167.   ELLIOT'S LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax elliotii, Elliots Lijstergaai
4 at the summit in Emei Shan, 4 at Wolong and 8 at Jiuzhaigou.

168.   RED‑WINGED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax formosus, Roodvleugellijstergaai
3 at the summit in Emei Shan.

169.   RUSTY‑CHEEKED SCIMITAR‑BABBLER, Pomatorhinus erythrogenys, Roodwangkruiplijster
A single bird at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

170.   RUFOUS‑CAPPED BABBLER, Stachyris ruficeps, Roodkopboomtimalia
A single observation at Emei Shan.

171.   CHINESE BABAX, Babax lanceolatus, Gestreepte Babax
A single observation en route from Wolong to Hongyuan.

172.   RED‑BILLED LEIOTHRIX, Leiothrix lutea, Japanse Nachtegaal
A single bird at Emei Shan.

173.   STREAK‑THROATED FULVETTA, Alcippe cinereiceps, Streepkeelnontimalia
A single bird at Emei Shan.

174.   DUSKY (BROWN-CAPPED) FULVETTA, Alcippe brunnea, Roodkopnontimalia
A single bird at Emei Shan.

175.   GREY‑CHEEKED FULVETTA, Alcippe morrisonia, Grijswangnontimalia
Single ones at Bao Guo near Emei Shan and at Emei Shan.

176.   WHITE‑COLLARED YUHINA, Yuhina diademata, Diadeemmeestimalia
4 at Wolong.

177.   GREAT PARROTBILL, Conostoma oemodium, Grote Diksnavelmees
4 at the summit of Emei Shan.

178.   SPECTACLED PARROTBILL, Paradoxornis conspicillatus, Brildiksnavelmees
Small numbers each day at Wolong.

179.   VINOUS‑THROATED PARROTBILL, Paradoxornis webbianus, Bruinkopdiksnavelmees
20+ at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

180.   ASHY‑THROATED PARROTBILL, Paradoxornis alphonsianus, Grijskeeldiksnavelmees
2 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

181.   GREY‑HOODED (CRESTED) PARROTBILL, Paradoxornis zappeyi, Zappey's Diksnavelmees
3 at Emei Shan.

182.   RUSTY‑THROATED (PRZEVALSKI'S) PARROTBILL, Paradoxornis przewalskii Przewalski's Diksnavelmees
2 at Jiuzhaigou.

183.   FULVOUS PARROTBILL, Paradoxornis fulvifrons, Geelkopdiksnavelmees
A single one at the summit of Emei Shan.

184.   WILLOW TIT, Parus montanus, Matkop
Small numbers at Jiuzhaigou.

185.   PÈRE DAVID'S TIT, Parus davidi, Davids Mees
8 at Wolong and rather common at Jiuzhaigou.

186.   RUFOUS‑VENTED TIT, Parus rubidiventris, Roodbuikmees
10+ at Emei Shan, several at Wolong and small numbers each day at Jiuzhaigou.

187.   COAL TIT, Parus ater, Zwarte Mees
3 at Emei Shan and a few at Jiuzhaigou.

188.   YELLOW‑BELLIED TIT, Parus venustulus, Prachtmees
3 at Emei Shan.

189.   GREY‑CRESTED TIT, Parus dichrous, Grijskuifmees
Small numbers at Emei Shan, Wolong and at Jiuzhaigou.

190.   GREAT TIT, Parus major, Koolmees
2 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan, 3 at Jiuzhaigou.

191.   GREEN‑BACKED TIT, Parus monticolus, Bergkoolmees
6 at Emei Shan, 7 at Wolong and 3 at Jiuzhaigou.

192.   YELLOW‑BROWED TIT, Sylviparus modestus, Boszangermees
3 at Emei Shan.

193.   TIBETAN (LONG-BILLED CALANDRA) LARK, Melanocorypha maxima, Moerasleeuwerik
Fairly common on the Tibetan Plateau.

194.   EURASIAN SKYLARK, Alauda arvensis, Veldleeuwerik
Fairly common on the Tibetan Plateau.

195.   ORIENTAL SKYLARK, Alauda gulgula, Kleine Veldleeuwerik
Small numbers on the Tibetan Plateau.

196.   HORNED LARK, Eremophila alpestris, Strandleeuwerik
Common on the Tibetan Plateau.

197.   RUSSET SPARROW, Passer rutilans, Roodkopmus
1 at Bao Guo near Emei Shan, several en route from Wolong to Hongyuan.

198.   EURASIAN TREE SPARROW, Passer montanus, Ringmus
A common and widespread species.

199.   SCALY‑BREASTED (SPOTTED) MUNIA, Lonchura punctulata, Muskaatvink
2 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

200.   FOREST WAGTAIL, Dendronanthus indicus, Boomkwikstaart
Single ones at Bao Guo near Emei Shan and at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

201.   WHITE WAGTAIL, Motacilla alba, Witte Kwikstaart
A rather common and widespread species in Sichuan province.

202.   YELLOW‑HOODED WAGTAIL, Motacilla citreola, Citroenkwikstaart
10+ on the Tibetan Plateau.

203.   YELLOW WAGTAIL, Motacilla flava, Gele Kwikstaart
1 at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

204.   GREY WAGTAIL, Motacilla cinerea, Grote Gele Kwikstaart
A few at Emei Shan and 1 at Wolong.

205.   OLIVE‑BACKED (OLIVE TREE) PIPIT, Anthus hodgsoni, Groene Boompieper
1 at Wolong and 5 at Jiuzhaigou.

206.   ALPINE ACCENTOR, Prunella collaris, Alpenheggemus
2 at the summit of Emei Shan.

207.   RUFOUS‑BREASTED ACCENTOR, Prunella strophiata, Gestreepte Heggemus
6 at the summit of Emei Shan.

208.   MAROON‑BACKED ACCENTOR, Prunella immaculata, Bruinrugheggemus
A single bird at Jiuzhaigou.

209.   FIRE‑BREASTED (SCARLET-BREASTED) FLOWERPECKER, Prionochilus ignipectus,  Indische Honingvogel
A single observation at Bao Guo near Emei Shan.

210.   GOULD'S SUNBIRD, Aethopyga gouldiae, Goulds Honingzuiger
6 at Wolong.

211.   TIBETAN SERIN (SISKIN), Serinus thibetanus, Tibetaanse Kanarie
10+ at Wolong, common at Jiuzhaigou.

212.   GREY‑CAPPED GREENFINCH, Carduelis sinica, Chinese Groenling
6 at Du Fu's Thatched Cottage Park in Chengdu.

213.   TWITE, Carduelis flavirostris, Frater
Fairly common on the Tibetan Plateau.

214.   COMMON ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus erythrinus, Roodmus
4 at Hongyuan.

215.   BEAUTIFUL ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus pulcherrimus, Prachtroodmus
4 at Jiuzhaigou.

216.   PINK‑RUMPED ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus eos, Aurora‑roodmus
6 at Wolong.

217.   VINACEOUS ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus vinaceus, Wijnroodmus
2 at the summit of Emei Shan, a few at Wolong, 1 at Jiuzhaigou.

218.   DARK‑RUMPED ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus edwardsii, Bruine Roodmus
2 at the summit of Emei Shan.

219.   THREE‑BANDED ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus trifasciatus, Witbuikroodmus
Common at Jiuzhaigou.

220.   WHITE‑BROWED ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus thura, Witbrauwroodmus
1 at the summit of Emei Shan and also 1 at Jiuzhaigou.

221.   RED CROSSBILL, Loxia curvirostra, Kruisbek
Fairly common at Wolong.

222.   GREY‑HEADED BULLFINCH, Pyrrhula erythaca, Grijskopgoudvink
2 at the summit of Emei Shan, a few at Wolong, rather common at Jiuzhaigou.

223.   YELLOW‑BILLED GROSBEAK (HAWFINCH), Eophona migratoria, Witvleugeldikbek
A single bird en route from Emei Shan to Chengdu.

224.   COLLARED GROSBEAK, Mycerobas affinis, Geelrugdikbek
A pair at Jiuzhaigou.

225.   WHITE‑WINGED GROSBEAK, Mycerobas carnipes, Spiegeldikbek
1 at the summit of Emei Shan, 6 at Jiuzhaigou.

226.   ROCK BUNTING, Emberiza cia, Grijze Gors
1 at Emei Shan, 2 at Wolong, a few at Jiuzhaigou and several at the Mutianyu Great Wall.

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