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A Report from

Systematic list of birds for West bengal and Sikkim,

Jan Vermeulen

This list follows the taxonomy, names and sequence of James F. Clements (Birds of the World, A Check List, Fifth Edition, 2000). This fifth edition is based primarily on the higher taxonomic sequence outlined in the "Handbook of the Birds of the World" series published by Lynx Edicions.

Species in brackets are the English names in "A Field Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent" by Krys Kazmierczak & Ber van Perlo, but only mentioned when these differ substantially from the Clements Check List.

The Dutch names follow the translated "Complete Checklist of Birds of the World" (Complete Checklist van Vogels van de Wereld) of Michael Walters.

Numbers quoted are estimates of the minimum numbers seen.

The following abbreviations are used:

(W)     =  West Bengal
(S)      =   Sikkim
WLS  =  Wildlife Sanctuary
15+    =  a minimum of 15 birds

1.  GREAT Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo, Aalscholver
A single one along the Teesta  River (S).

2.  Great Egret, Ardea alba, Grote Zilverreiger
2 along the Teesta  River (W).

3.  Indian Pond-Heron, Ardeola grayii, Indische Ralreiger
A fairly common bird en route Bagdogra - Kalimpong (W).

4.  Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis, Koereiger
A common bird en route Bagdogra - Kalimpong (W).

5.  RED-NAPED (BLACK) IBIS, Pseudibis papillosa, Wrattenibis
6 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

6.  Lesser Adjutant, Leptoptilos javanicus, Javaanse Maraboe
2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

7.  BAR-HEADED GOOSE, Anser indicus, Indische Gans
5 flying north over Lava (W).

8.  BLACK BAZA, Aviceda leuphotes, Zwarte Koekoekswouw
2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

9.  Oriental Honey-buzzard, Pernis ptilorhynchus, Aziatische Wespendief
3 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

10.   Black Kite, Milvus migrans, Zwarte Wouw
15+ en route Bagdogra - Kalimpong (W).

11.   WHITE-RUMPED VULTURE, Gyps bengalenis, Bengaalse Gier
A single bird at the Mahananda WLS (W).

12.   SLENDER-BILLED Vulture, Gyps tenuirostris, Dunsnavelgier Long-billed Vultureis now split into the above and Indian Vulture(Gyps indicus). 25+ at the Mahananda WLS (W).

13.   Crested Serpent-Eagle, Spilornis cheela, Indische Slangenarend 1 at Lava (W), 1 near Singtam (S), 1 at the lower Tholung Valley (S) and 2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

14.   Crested Goshawk, Accipiter trivirgatus, Kuifhavik
A pair at the Algarah Road near Lava (W).

15.   Shikra, Accipiter badius, Shikra
Single ones along the Teesta  River (S), at the lower Tholung Valley (S) and at the Mahananda WLS (W).

16.   Besra, Accipiter virgatus, Besrasperwer
2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

17.   EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK, Accipiter nisus, Sperwer
Singles at Lava (W) and the lower Tholung Valley (S) and 2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

18.   NORTHERN GOSHAWK, Accipiter gentilis, Havik
A single observation at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

19.   EURASIAN BUZZARD, Buteo buteo, Buizerd
Single ones at Lava (W) and Damthang Forest (S) and 2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

20.   UPLAND BUZZARD, Buteo hemilasius, Mongoolse Buizerd
A splendid observation at the upper Tholung Valley (S).

21.   Black Eagle, Ictinaetus malayensis, Indische Zwarte Arend
A single bird at Lava (W).

22.   MOUNTAIN Hawk-Eagle, Spizaetus nipalensis, Aziatische Kuifarend
4 in the Lava area (W).

23.   Eurasian Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, Torenvalk
2 near Singtam (S) and 2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

24.   SATYR TRAGOPAN, Tragopan satyra, Rood Saterhoen
Heard at the upper Tholung Valley (S).

25.   RED JUNGLEFOWL, Gallus gallus, Bankivahoen
3 near Kalimpong (W).

26.   KALIJ PHEASANT, Lophura leucomelanos, Nepalfazant
Single ones along the Algarah road (W), at Lava (Rachet Forest) and at the Tholung Valley (S).

27.    RIVER LAPWING, Vanellus duvaucelii, Indische Sporenkievit
3 along the Teesta  River (W).

28.   Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus, Regenwulp  
Twice heard while flying over the Tholung Valley (S).

29.   Rock Dove, Columba livia, Stadsduif
Common in villages and towns.

30.   ASHY WOOD-PIGEON, Columba pulchricollis, Leigrijze Houtduif
8 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa - Hot Springs) in Sikkim.

31.   ORIENTAL TURTLE-DOVE, Streptopelia orientalis, Oosterse Tortel
Up to 4 a day; seen almost every day of the trip.

32.   SPOTTED DOVE, Streptopelia chinensis, Parelhalstortel
Only one near Algarah (W).

33.   BARRED CUCKOO-DOVE, Macropygia unchall, Gestreepte Koekoeksduif
4 near Algarah at the fort (W).

34.   RED-BREASTED PARAKEET, Psittacula alexandri, Alexanderparkiet
10+ at the Mahananda WLS (W).

35.   LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO, Cuculus sparverioides, Grote Sperwerkoekoek
Heard every day of the trip, but seen only once along the Algarah Road (W).

36.   COMMON CUCKOO, Cuculus canorus, Koekoek
Heard a few times in the Lava area (W).

37.   ORIENTAL CUCKOO, Cuculus saturatus, Boskoekoek
Heard at Paktham Forest near Lava (W).

38.   Asian Koel, Eudynamys scolopacea, Indische Koël
Heard at the lower Tholung Valley (S) and 3 seen at the Mahananda WLS (W).

39.   GREEN-BILLED Malkoha, Phaenicophaeus tristis, Grote Groensnavelmalkoha
1 at Kalimpong (W), 2 along the Teesta  River (S), 1 at Damthang Forest (S) and 3 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

40.   Greater Coucal, Centropus sinensis, Chinese Spoorkoekoek
Often heard, but seen only 2 birds at the Mahananda WLS (W).

41.   Brown Wood-Owl, Strix leptogrammica, Bruine Bosuil
1 at Kalimpong (W) and heard at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

42.   ASIAN BARRED OWLET, Glaucidium cuculoides, Koekoeksdwerguil
4 at Kalimpong (W), 1 at Lava (W) and small numbers at the Tholung Valley (S).

43.   HIMALAYAN SWIFTLET, Aerodramus brevirostris, Himalayasalangaan
Fairly common in the Lava area and in the Tholung Valley (S).

44.   FORK-TAILED SWIFT, Apus pacificus, Siberische Gierzwaluw
4 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

45.   HOUSE SWIFT, Apus nipalensis, Aziatische Huisgierzwaluw
20+ at Kalimpong (W), common at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

46.   White-throated Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis, Smyrnaijsvogel
Small numbers along the Teesta  River (W/S).

47.   CRESTED Kingfisher, Megaceryle lugubris, Chinese Reuzenijsvogel
A single bird along the Teesta  River (S).

48.   Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis, Bonte IJsvogel
A single observation along the Teesta  River (W).

49.   Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, Merops leschenaulti, Bruikopbijeneter
20+ along the Teesta  River (W/S).

50.   Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis, Indische Scharrelaar
8 en route Bagdogra - Kalimpong (W).

51.   DOLLARBIRD, Eurystomus orientalis, Dollarvogel
2 near Singtam (S).

52.   Eurasian Hoopoe, Upupa epops, Hop
A single bird at the Mahananda WLS (W).

53.   indian Grey Hornbill, Ocyceros birostris, Wigstaarttok
A single bird at the Mahananda WLS (W).

54.   GREAT Barbet, Megalaima virens, Grote Baardvogel
A fairly common species in the visited areas, with numbers up to 8 a day.

55.   GOLDEN-THROATED BARBET, Megalaima franklinii, Goudkeelbaardvogel
1 along the Algarah Road (W) and 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

56.   GREY-CAPPED WOODPECKER, Dendrocopos canicapillus, Grijskapspecht
A single one along the Algarah Road (W).

57.   RUFOUS-BELLIED WOODPECKER, Dendrocopos hyperythrus, Bruinkeelspecht
A single bird at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

58.   DARJEELING WOODPECKER, Dendrocopos darjellensis, Darjeelingspecht
4 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) and 2 at the upper Tholung Valley in Sikkim.

59.   CRIMSON-BREASTED WOODPECKER, Dendrocopos cathpharius, Roodborstspecht
3 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

60.   GREATER YELLOWNAPE, Picus flavinucha, Grote Geelkuifspecht
3 in the Algarah area (W) and 2 along the Teesta  River (S).

61.   BAY WOODPECKER, Blythipicus pyrrhotis, Roodoorspecht
Up to 4 a day in the Tholung Valley (S).

62.   BARN SWALLOW, Hirundo rustica, Boerenzwaluw
10+ at Kalimpong and Algarah (W).

63.   NEPAL MARTIN, Delichon nipalensis, Nepalese Huiszwaluw
10+ at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

64.   BLACK-BACKED WAGTAIL, Motacilla lugens, Zwartrugkwikstaart
A single bird along the Teesta  River (S).

65.   CITRINE WAGTAIL, Motacilla citreola, Citroenkwikstaart
A splendid observation of a bird in breeding plumage at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

66.   GREY WAGTAIL, Motacilla cinerea, Grote Gele Kwikstaart
2 along the Algarah Road (W).

67.   OLIVE-BACKED PIPIT, Anthus hodgsoni, Siberische Boompieper
A common and widespread species.

68.   ROSY PIPIT, Anthus roseatus, Wijnborstpieper
Up to 50 a day in the Tholung Valley (S).

69.   Large Cuckoo-shrike, Coracina macei, Grote Rupsvogel
2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

70.   Black-WINGed Cuckoo-shrike, Coracina melaschistos, Rouwrupsvogel
1 along the Algarah Road (W), 1 at Damthang Forest (S) and 5 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

71.   Small Minivet, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, Kleine Menievogel
2 along the Teesta  River (S).

72.   SHORT-BILLED MINIVET, Pericrocotus brevirostris, Kortsnavelmenievogel
A common species in the mountains.

73.   Scarlet Minivet, Pericrocotus flammeus, Scharlaken Menievogel
2 at the Mahananda WLS (W) and 2 along the Teesta  River (S).

74.   STRIATED BULBUL, Pycnonotus striatus, Gestreepte Buulbuul
Up to 10 a day in the Lava area (W) and at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

75.   BLACK-CRESTED BULBUL, Pycnonotus melanicterus, Goudborstbuulbuul
7 along the Teesta  River (S).

76.   WHITE-CHEEKED (HIMALAYAN) BULBUL, Pycnonotus leucogenys, Witwangbuulbuul
A few in Kalimpong and at Lava (W) and a few at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

77.   RED-VENTED BULBUL, Pycnonotus cafer, Roodbuikbuulbuul
A very common and widespread species in the lower areas.

78.   BLACK BULBUL, Hypsipetes leucocephalus, Zwarte Buulbuul
4 at Lava (W), up to 15 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

79.   Golden-fronted Leafbird, Chloropsis aurifrons, Goudvoorhoofdbladvogel
3 along the Teesta  River (S).

80.   ORANGE-BELLIED LEAFBIRD, Chloropsis hardwickii, Oranjebuikbladvogel
2 along the Teesta River (S) and up to 4 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

81.   Common Iora, Aegithina tiphia, Gewone Iora
2 in the trees along the Teesta  River (S).

82.   WINTER WREN, Troglodytes troglodytes, Winterkoning
4 at the upper Tholung Valley (S).

83.   MAROON-BACKED ACCENTOR, Prunella immaculata, Bruinrugheggenmus
Up to 8 a day in the Lava area (W).

84.   Blue-capped Rock-Thrush, Monticola cinclorhynchus, Bergrotslijster
3 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

85.   CHESTNUT-BELLIED ROCK-THRUSH, Monticola rufiventris, Roodbuikrotslijster
Small numbers in the Lava area (W), 2 at Damthang Forest (S) and 4 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

86.   Blue Rock-Thrush, Monticola solitarius, Blauwe Rotslijster
3 along the Teesta  River (S),

87.   BLUe Whistling-Thrush, Myiophonus caeruleus, Himalayafluitlijster
A very common and widespread species.

88.   PLAIN-BACKED THRUSH, Zoothera mollissima, Himalayalijster
2 at the Paktham Forest near Lava (W) and 2 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

89.   LONG-TAILED THRUSH, Zoothera dixoni, Langstaartlijster
A single one at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

90.   SCALY THRUSH, Zoothera dauma, Goudlijster
2 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

91.   WHITE-COLLARED BLACKBIRD, Turdus albocinctus, Witkraaglijster
Up to 10 a day at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

92.   GREY-WINGED BLACKBIRD, Turdus boulboul, Grijsvleugelmerel
A fairly common and widespread species.

93.   GREY-SIDED THRUSH, Turdus feae, Hopeilijster
A splendid observation of this rare species along the Algarah Road (W).

94.   DARK-THROATED THRUSH, Turdus ruficollis, Zwartkeellijster
5 along the Algarah Road (W).

95.   WHITE-BROWED SHORTWING, Brachypteryx montana, Blauwe Kortvleugel
2 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa - Hot Springs) in Sikkim.

96.   STRIATED PRINIA, Prinia criniger, Bergprinia
3 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

97.   HILL PRINIA, Prinia atrogularis, Witborstprinia
2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

98.   CHESTNUT-HEADED TESIA, Tesia castaneocoronata, Kastanjekoptesia
Up to 4 a day at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

99.   SLATY-BELLIED TESIA, Tesia olivea, Goudkruintesia
A single one at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

100.   GREY-BELLIED TESIA, Tesia cyaniventer, Grijsbuiktesia
A single bird at Lava (Rachet Forest) in West Bengal.

101.   BROWNISH-FLANKED BUSH-WARBLER, Cettia fortipes, Bergstruikzanger
A few times heard. Seen at Lava (Rachet Forest) in West Bengal and at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

102.   ABERRANT BUSH-WARBLER, Cettia flavolivacea, Groene Struikzanger
3 at Paktham Forest near Lava (W).

103.   COMMON TAILORBIRD, Orthotomus sutorius, Langstaartsnijdervogel
2 at Kalimpong (W).

104.   TICKELL'S LEAF-WARBLER, Phylloscopus affinis, Himalayaboszanger
1 at Lava (W) and 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

105.   BUFF-BARRED WARBLER, Phylloscopus pulcher, Goudbandboszanger
Seen in small numbers most days of the trip.

106.   ASHY-THROATED WARBLER, Phylloscopus maculipennis, Grijskeelboszanger
5 at Lava (W) and 4 at the Tholung Valley (S).

107.   LEMON-RUMPED WARBLER, Phylloscopus proregulus, Pallas' Boszanger
A single one at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

108.   GREENISH WARBLER, Phylloscopus trochiloides, Grauwe Fitis
1 at Lava (Neora Valley ) in West Bengal.

109.   BLYTH'S LEAF-WARBLER, Phylloscopus reguloides, Blyths Boszanger
A fairly common and widespread species.

110.   YELLOW-VENTED WARBLER, Phylloscopus cantator, Orpheusboszanger
A splendid observation at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

111.   GOLDEN-SPECTACLED WARBLER, Seicercus burkii, Goudoogboszanger
Seen almost every day. Up to 15 a day in the Tholung Valley (S).

112.   GREY-HOODED WARBLER, Seicercus xanthoschistos, Grijskopboszanger
Seen in small numbers almost every day. Up to 7 a day in the Lava area (W).

113.   GREY-CHEEKED WARBLER, Seicercus poliogenys, Grijswangboszanger
Up to 3 a day in the Lava area (W).

114.   CHESTNUT-CROWNED WARBLER, Seicercus castaniceps, Kastanjekopboszanger
3 along the Algarah Road (W), up to 10 a day at the Tholung Valley (S).

115.   BLACK-FACED WARBLER, Abroscopus schisticeps, Zwartmaskerboszanger
25+ at the Rachet Forest in Lava (W), a few elsewhere in the Lava area and 3 at Damthang Forest (S).

116.   BROAD-BILLED WARBLER, Tickellia hodgsoni, Breedbekboszanger
A splendid observation along the Algarah Road (W).

117.   SIBERIAN (DARK-SIDED) FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa sibirica, Roetvliegenvanger
Single birds at Paktham Forest near Lava (W) and at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

118.   FERRUGINOUS FLYCATCHER, Muscicapa ferruginea, Roestvliegenvanger
Up to 5 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

119.   RUFOUS-GORGETED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula strophiata, Roestvlekvliegenvanger
6 at Lava (W), 1 at Damthang Forest (S), common at the Tholung Valley (S).

120.   SNOWY-BROWED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula hyperythra, Witbrauwvliegenvanger
2 at Lava (W), 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S) and 1 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

121.   WHITE-GORGETED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula monileger, Witbefvliegenvanger
2 along the Algarah Road (W) and 1 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

122.   LITTLE PIED FLYCATCHER, Ficedula westermanni, Ekstervliegenvanger
2 at Lava (W), up to 3 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

123.   ULTRAMARINE FLYCATCHER, Ficedula superciliaris, Witkeelvliegenvanger
2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

124.   SLATY-BLUE FLYCATCHER, Ficedula tricolor, Leiblauwe Vliegenvanger
1 at Rachet Forest in Lava (W), 5 at the upper Tholung Valley (S).

125.   SAPPHIRE FLYCATCHER, Ficedula sapphira, Saffiervliegenvanger
A single bird at Ratchet Forest near Lava (W).
126.   VERDITER FLYCATCHER, Eumyias thalassina, Azuurvliegenvanger
A common and widespread species.

127.   LARGE NILTAVA, Niltava grandis, Kobaltniltava
5 at Lava (W) and 4 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

128.   SMALL NILTAVA, Niltava macgrigoriae, Kleine Niltava
Up to 4 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

129.   RUFOUS-BELLIED NILTAVA, Niltava sundara, Roodbuikniltava
Up to 3 a day at Lava (W), 2 at Damthang Forest (S) and 4 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

130.   GREY-HEADED CANARY-FLYCATCHER, Culicicapa ceylonensis, Grijskopvliegenvanger
A common and widespread species.

131.   RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL (ORANGE-FLANKED BUSH-ROBIN), Tarsiger cyanurus, Blauwstaart
Up to 7 a day in the Lava area (W) and 3 at Damthang Forest (S).

132.   RUFOUS-BREASTED BUSH-ROBIN, Tarsiger hyperythrus, Blyths Blauwstaart
A splendid observation at Paktham Forest near Lava (W).

133.   ORIENTAL MAGPIE-ROBIN, Copsychus saularis, Dayallijster
A single bird at Mangan (S).

134.   BLUE-FRONTED REDSTART, Phoenicurus frontalis, Himalayaroodstaart
A fairly common and widespread species.

135.   WHITE-CAPPED REDSTART, Chaimarrornis leucocephalus, Rivierroodstaart
Seen in small numbers along streams etc. almost every day.

136.   PLUMBEOUS REDSTART, Rhyacornis fuliginosus, Waterroodstaart
1 along the Algarah Road (W), up to 10 a day at the Tholung Valley (S).

137.   WHITE-TAILED ROBIN, Cinclidium leucurum, Witstaartcallene
4 at the Rachet Forest in Lava (W) and 1 along the Algarah Road (W).

138.   LITTLE FORKTAIL, Enicurus scouleri, Kleine Vorkstaart
2 at the Jeep Track near Lava (W), 4 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

139.   BLACK-BACKED FORKTAIL, Enicurus immaculatus, Zwartrugvorkstaart
A single bird along the Teesta  River (W).

140.   SPOTTED FORKTAIL, Enicurus maculatus, Gevlekte Vorkstaart
A single one at the Rachet Forest in Lava (W) and 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

141.   COMMON STONECHAT, Saxicola rubicola, Roodborsttapuit
Single ones along the Algarah Road (W) and at Mangan (S).

142.   GREY BUSHCHAT, Saxicola ferrea, Grijs Paapje
A common and widespread species.

143.   YELLOW-BELLIED FANTAIL, Rhipidura hypoxantha, Geelbuikwaaierstaart
6 at the Rachet Forest in Lava (W), up to 8 a day in the Tholung Valley (S).

144.   WHITE-THROATED FANTAIL, Rhipidura albicollis, Witkeelwaaierstaart
Up to 8 a day in the Lava area (W), 2 at Damthang Forest (S).

145.   WHITE-THROATED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax albogularis, Witkeellijstergaai
7 along the Algarah Road (W), up to 20 a day at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

146.   WHITE-CRESTED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax leucolophus, Witkuiflijstergaai
4 near Singtam (S).

147.   STRIATED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax striatus, Gestreepte Lijstergaai
A fairly common species in the visited areas.

148.   GREY-SIDED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax caerulatus, Witbuiklijstergaai
4 along the Algarah Road (W).

149.   SCALY LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax subunicolor, Goudvleugellijstergaai
6 at Neora Valley near Lava (W), 12 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

150.   BLUE-WINGED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax squamatus, Blauwvleugellijstergaai
4 at Neora Valley near Lava (W).
151.   BLACK-FACED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax affinis, Zwartmaskerlijstergaai
Up to 6 a day at the upper Tholung Valley (S).

152.   CHESTNUT-CROWNED LAUGHINGTHRUSH, Garrulax erythrocephalus, Roodkoplijstergaai
Up to 5 a day in the Lava area (W).

153.   RED-FACED LIOCICHLA, Liocichla phoenicea, Roodmaskertimalia
A single one along the Algarah Road (W).

154.   SPOT-BREASTED SCIMITAR-BABBLER, Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis, Gevlekte Kruiplijster
2 along the Algarah Road (W) and 3 at the Rachet Forest near Lava (W).

155.   RUSTY-CHEEKED SCIMITAR-BABBLER, Pomatorhinus erythrogenys, Roodwangkruiplijster
A single one at the fort near Algarah (W).

156.   WHITE-BROWED SCIMITAR-BABBLER, Pomatorhinus schisticeps, Witbrauwkruiplijster
A single bird at Neora Valley near Lava (W).

157.   STREAK-BREASTED SCIMITAR-BABBLER, Pomatorhinus ruficollis, Roodkeelkruiplijster
Up to 3 a day in the Lava area (W).

158.   LONG-BILLED WREN-BABBLER, Rimator malacoptilus, Dwergkruiplijster
A single observation at Rachet Forest near Lava (W).

159.   PYGMY WREN-BABBLER, Pnoepyga pusilla, Mossluiptimalia
Up to 3 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

160.   RUFOUS-THROATED WREN-BABBLER, Spelaeornis caudatus, Roodkeelsluiptimalia
Heard at Lava (W) and seen a glimpse of one bird.

161.   SPOTTED WREN-BABBLER, Spelaeornis formosus, Gevlekte Sluiptimalia
Heard at Lava and seen at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

162.   RUFOUS-CAPPED BABBLER, Stachyris ruficeps, Roodkopboomtimalia
Up to 6 daily in the Lava area (W), a total of 6 birds at the Tholung Valley (S).

163.   GOLDEN BABBLER, Stachyris chrysaea, Gouden Boomtimalia
4 at Lava (W), up to 8 daily at the Tholung Valley (S).

164.   GREY-THROATED BABBLER, Stachyris nigriceps, Grijskeelboomtimalia
1 at Rachet Forest near Lava (W) and 4 along the Algarah Road (W).

165.   JUNGLE BABBLER, Turdoides striatus, Junglebabbelaar
10+ at the Mahananda WLS (W).

166.   SILVER-EARED MESIA, Leiothrix argentauris, Zilveroortimalia
A group of 7 birds along the Algarah Road only a few km from Algarah (W).

167.   RED-BILLED LEIOTHRIX, Leiothrix lutea, Japanse Nachtegaal
2 along the Algarah Road (W).

168.   CUTIA, Cutia nipalensis, Cutia
At three different places heard at the Tholung Valley (S), but we failed to see this most wanted species.

169.   BLACK-HEADED SHRIKE-BABBLER, Pteruthius rufiventer, Zwartkopklauwiertimalia
A pair at Paktham Forest near Lava (W).

170.   WHITE-BROWED SHRIKE-BABBLER, Pteruthius flaviscapis, Witbrauwklauwiertimalia
4 at Lava (W), 5 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

171.   BLACK-EARED SHRIKE-BABBLER, Pteruthius melanotis, Zwartoorbriltimalia
4 at Paktham Forest near Lava (W) and 4 at Rachet Forest near Lava (W), 4 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

172.   RUSTY-FRONTED BARWING, Actinodura egertoni, Grijskopstreepvleugel
Fairly common in the Lava area (W).

173.   HOARY-THROATED BARWING, Actinodura nipalensis, Nepalese Streepvleugel
2 at Ratchet Forest near Lava (W), up to 5 a day at the Tholung Valley (S).

174.   BLUE-WINGED MINLA, Minla cyanouroptera, Blauwvleugelminla
10+ along the Algarah Road (W) and 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

175.   CHESTNUT-TAILED MINLA, Minla strigula, Ornaatminla
Rather common in the Lava area, 15+ at Damthang Forest (S) and 3 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

176.   RED-TAILED MINLA, Minla ignotincta, Roodstaartminla
Rather common in the Lava area, 2 at Damthang Forest (S) and 4 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

177.   YELLOW-THROATED FULVETTA, Alcippe cinerea, Geelkeelnontimalia
2 at Neora Valley near Lava (W).

178.   RUFOUS-WINGED FULVETTA, Alcippe castaneceps, Roodvleugelnontimalia
A common and widespread species.

179.   WHITE-BROWED FULVETTA, Alcippe vinipectus, Witbrauwnontimalia
5 at Neora Valley near Lava (W), 6 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

180.   NEPAL FULVETTA, Alcippe nipalensis, Nepalese Nontimalia
4 at Lava (W) and 2 at the upper Tholung Valley (S).

181.   RUFOUS SIBIA, Heterophasia capistrata, Zwartkapsibia
A very common species in the visited areas.

182.   WHITE-NAPED YUHINA, Yuhina bakeri, Roodkopmeestimalia
2 at Neora Valley near Lava (W) and 5 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

183.   WHISKERED YUHINA, Yuhina flavicollis, Baardmeestimalia
10 - 50+ daily in the visited areas.

184.   STRIPE-THROATED YUHINA, Yuhina gularis, Vlekkeelmeestimalia
Small numbers in the Lava area (W), up to 20+ daily in the Tholung Valley (S).

185.   RUFOUS-VENTED YUHINA, Yuhina occipitalis, Roodbuikmeestimalia
Up to 5 a day in the Lava area (W), 3 at Damthang Forest (S) and 9 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

186.   BLACK-THROATED TIT, Aegithalos concinnus, Roodkruinstaartmees
5 - 20+ daily in the Lava area (W), 4 at Damthang Forest (S), 5 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

187.   BLACK-BROWED (RUFOUS-FRONTED) TIT, Aegithalos iouschistos, Roestwangstaartmees
2 at Lava (W).

188.   COAL TIT, Periparus ater, Zwarte Mees
4 at Neora Valley near Lava (W).

189.   GREEN-BACKED TIT, Parus monticolus, Bergkoolmees
Seen each day of the trip ( 5 - 25+).

190.   YELLOW-CHEEKED TIT, Parus spilonotus, Geelwangmees
1 at Rachet Forest near Lava (W), 5 at Lava (W) and up to 6 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

191.   YELLOW-BROWED TIT, Sylviparus modestus, Boszangermees
6 at Lava (W), 3 at the lower Tholung Valley (S) and up to 4 a day at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa).

192.   CHESTNUT-BELLIED NUTHATCH, Sitta castanea, Bruine Boomklever
2 at Damthang Forest (S).

193.   WHITE-TAILED NUTHATCH, Sitta himalayensis, Witstaartboomklever
Up to 6 daily in the Lava area (W), 1 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) and 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

194.   WALLCREEPER, Tichodroma muraria, Rotskruiper
A single bird at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

195.   EURASIAN TREECREEPER, Certhia familiaris, Taigaboomkruiper
A single one along the Algarah Road (W).

196.   RUSTY-FLANKED TREECREEPER, Certhia nipalensis, Nepalese Boomkruiper
Singles at Rachet Forest near Lava (W) and at Lava (W), 4 at the upper Tholung Valley (S) and 2 at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

197.   BROWN-THROATED TREECREEPER, Certhia discolor, Bruinkeelboomkruiper
A single bird along the Algarah Road (W).

198.   GOULD'S SUNBIRD, Aethopyga gouldiae, Goulds Honingzuiger
A single bird at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

199.   GREEN-TAILED SUNBIRD, Aethopyga nipalensis, Groenstaarthoningzuiger
Up to 10+ daily at Lava (W), 1 at Damthang Forest (S) and small numbers in the the Tholung Valley (S).

200.   BLACK-THROATED SUNBIRD, Aethopyga saturata, Zwartkeelhoningzuiger
Up to 3 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

201.   FIRE-TAILED SUNBIRD, Aethopyga ignicauda, Vuurstaarthoningzuiger
Up to 4 a day at Lava (W), 10+ at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

202.   LITTLE SPIDERHUNTER, Arachnothera longirostra, Kleine Spinnenjager
Up to 8 a day in the Lava area (W), 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

203.   STREAKED SPIDERHUNTER, Arachnothera magna, Gestreepte Spinnenjager
Up to 2 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

204.   FIRE-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER, Dicaeum ignipectus, Indische Honingvogel
Up to 4 a day at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

205.   ORIENTAL WHITE-EYE, Zosterops palpebrosus, Indische Brilvogel
4 at the Mahananda WLS (W) and 4 along the Teesta  River (S).

206.   Black-hooded Oriole, Oriolus xanthornus, Zwartkopwielewaal
2 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

207.   MAROON ORIOLE, Oriolus traillii, Indische Bloedwielewaal
2 at Damthang Forest (S) and up to 8 daily at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

208.   BAY-BACKED SHRIKE, Lanius vittatus, Bruinrugklauwier
A single one along the Algarah Road (W).

209.   Long-tailed Shrike, Lanius schach, Langstaartklauwier
Singles along the Algarah Road (W) and along the Teesta  River (W).

210.   GREY-BACKED SHRIKE, Lanius tephronotus, Himalayaklauwier
A single bird at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

211.   BLACK dRONGO, Dicrurus macrocercus, Fluweeldrongo
A few in the more open areas in West Bengal and Sikkim.

212.   Ashy Drongo, Dicrurus leucophaeus, Grijze Drongo
Small numbers at Lava (W) and the Tholung Valley (S).

213.   HAIR-CRESTed (SPANGLED) Drongo, Dicrurus hottentottus, Haarkuifdrongo
Small numbers at Kalimpong and 10+ at the Mahananda WLS (W).

214.   GOLD-BILLED (YELLOW-BILLED) MAGPIE, Urocissa flavirostris, Geelsnavelkitta
Up to 10 a day at the Tholung Valley (S).

215.   GREEN MAGPIE, Cissa chinensis, Groene Kitta
1 along the Algarah Road (W), 2 along the Algarah Road (S) and 1 at Damthang Forest (S).

216.   Rufous Treepie, Dendrocitta vagabunda, Rosse Boomekster
3 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

217.   GREY TREEPIE, Dendrocitta formosae, Grijsborstboomekster
Small numbers in the Lava area (W) and 2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

218.   House Crow, Corvus splendens, Huiskraai
Common near cities and villages.

219.   Large-billed Crow, Corvus macrorhynchos, Dikbekkraai
Small numbers in the Lava area (W) and also at the Mahananda WLS (W).

220.   COMMON HILL MYNA, Gracula religiosa, Grote Beo
5 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

221.   JUNGLE MYNA, Acridotheres fuscus, Junglemaina
A few en route Bagdogra - Kalimpong (W).

222.   COMMON MYNA, Acridotheres tristis, Treurmaina
A common and widespread species.

223.   ASIAN PIED STARLING, Gracupica contra, Eksterspreeuw
10+ at the Mahananda WLS (W).

224.   HOUSE SPARROW, Passer domesticus, Huismus
A few at Kalimpong (W) and Mangan (S).

225.   EURASIAN TREE SPARROW, Passer montanus, Ringmus
A common and widespread species.

226.   WHITE-RUMPED MUNIA, Lonchura striata, Spitsstaartbronzemannetje
5 at Neora Valley near Lava (W), a few along the Algarah Road (W) and at Mangan (S) and 3 at the Mahananda WLS (W).

227.   PLAIN MOUNTAIN-FINCH, Leucosticte nemoricola, Hodgsons Bergvink
50+ at Lava village (W) and 75+ at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

228.   BLACK-HEADED (BRANDT'S) MOUNTAIN-FINCH, Leucosticte brandti, Brandts Bergvink
A first summer bird at the Tholung Valley (Tholung Gompa) in Sikkim.

229.   CRIMSON-BROWED FINCH, Pinicola subhimachalus, Himalayahaakbek
4 at Neora Valley near Lava (W).

230.   DARK-BREASTED ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus nipalensis, Donkere Roodmus
100+ at Rachet Forest near Lava (W) and 25+ at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

231.   DARK-RUMPED ROSEFINCH, Carpodacus edwardsii, Bruine Roodmus
A single observation at Rachet Forest near Lava (W).

232.   TIBETAN SERIN, Serinus thibetanus, Tibetaanse Kanarie
15+ at Rachet Forest near Lava (W).

233.   BROWN BULLFINCH, Pyrrhula nipalensis, Bruine Goudvink
4 at Lava (W) and 2 at Damthang Forest (S).

234.   RED-HEADED BULLFINCH, Pyrrhula erythrocephala, Roodkopgoudvink
3 at Lava (W) and also 3 at Neora Valley near Lava (W).

235.   GOLD-NAPED FINCH, Pyrrhoplectes epauletta, Goudkruinvink
1 at Lava (W) and 2 at Rachet Forest near Lava (W).

236.   SCARLET FINCH, Haematospiza sipahi, Scharlaken Dikbek
3 females at the lower Tholung Valley (S).

237.   CRESTED BUNTING, Melophus lathami, Kuifgors
A single one on a wire at Mangan (S).

238.   LITTLE BUNTING, Emberiza pusilla, Dwerggors
A single bird in Lava village (W).


This list follows the taxonomy, names and sequence of the Mammal Data by BirdBase & BirdArea by Andrew Duff and Ann Lawson.

Numbers quoted are estimates of the minimum numbers seen.

1.  BLACK GIANT SQUIRREL, Ratufa bicolor
Seen in small numbers at Lava (W) and the Tholung Valley (S).

At least one in the Lava area (W).

3.  HIMALAYAN STRIPED SQUIRREL, Tamiops macclellandi
A few in the Lava area (W).

4.  ASSAM MACAQUE, Macaca assamensis
Seen in small numbers in the Lava area (W).

5.  RHESUS MONKEY, Macaca mulatta
Common en route from Bagdogra - Kalimpong (W).

6.  HIMALAYAN TAHR, Hemitragus jemlahicus
2 at the lower Tholung Valley (S).


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