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A Report from


Jan Vermeulen

This list follows the taxonomy, names and sequence of James F. Clements (July 1991, Birds of the World, A Check List and Supplements No. 1, 2, 3 & 4).
This specific treatment follows Dr. Charles Sibley and Dr. Burt L. Monroe, Jr (1990, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, Yale University Press)

Species in brackets are the English names in "Birds of the West Indies" by Herbert Raffaele et al, but only mentioned when these differ significantly from the Clements Check List. The Dutch names follow the "Complete Checklist, Vogels van de Wereld" of Michael Walters.

Data are estimates of the minimum numbers seen and larger numbers are rough estimates.
The following abbreviations are used:
DR          = Dominican Republic
PR          = Puerto Rico
100+       = at least 100 birds

 1.            PIED-BILLED GREBE, Podilymbus podiceps, Dikbekfuut
                2 at Laguna Cartagena (PR).

 2.            MAGNIFICENT FRIGATEBIRD, Fregata magnificens, Amerikaanse Fregatvogel
                A few along the coast at Barahona (DR), small numbers along the coast in Puerto Rico.

 3.            BROWN BOOBY, Sula leucogaster, Bruine Gent
                2 along the coast at Fajardo (PR).

 4.            BROWN PELICAN, Pelecanus occidentalis, Bruine Pelikaan
                15 along the coast near Oviedo (DR), a few near Fajardo (PR), 30+ along the south-west coast of Puerto Rico.

 5.            WHITE‑CHEEKED PINTAIL, Anas bahamensis, Bahamapijlstaart
                Common at Laguna de Rincon (DR), 8 at the lagoon (Highway 333) near Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

 6.            GREATER FLAMINGO, Phoenicopterus ruber, Flamingo
                4 at Laguna de Rincon (DR).

 7.            TRICOLORED HERON, Egretta tricolor, Witbuikreiger
                Small numbers at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and Lago Enriquillo (DR).

 8.            LITTLE BLUE HERON, Egretta caerulea, Kleine Blauwe Reiger
                4 at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and 1 at the Copamarina Beach Resort at Guánica (PR).

 9.            SNOWY EGRET, Egretta thula, Amerikaanse Kleine Zilverreiger
                Common at Laguna de Rincon (DR).

10.           GREAT BLUE HERON, Ardea herodias, Amerikaanse Blauwe Reiger
                A few at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and 1 at Lago Enriquillo (DR).

11.           GREAT EGRET, Ardea alba, Grote Zilverreiger
                2 at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and singles at Lago Enriquillo (DR) and at the Copamarina Beach Resort
                at Guánica (PR).

12.           CATTLE EGRET, Bubulcus ibis, Koereiger
                Very common on both islands.

13.           GREEN HERON, Butorides virescens, Groene Reiger
                Small numbers along the coast (DR), 3 at Laguna de Rincon (DR), 2 at Lago Enriquillo (DR), a few along the south-west coast in Puerto Rico.

14.           GLOSSY IBIS, Plegadis falcinellus, Zwarte Ibis
                8 at Laguna de Rincon (DR).

15.           ROSEATE SPOONBILL, Ajaia ajaja, Rode Lepelaar
                A single bird at Laguna de Rincon (DR).

16.           TURKEY VULTURE, Cathartes aura, Roodkopgier
                A common and widespread species in the northern part of the Dominican Republic and in Puerto Rico.

17.           SHARP‑SHINNED HAWK, Accipiter striatus, Amerikaanse Sperwer
                Single ones near Puerto Plata (DR) and near Ponce (PR).

18.           RIDGWAY'S HAWK, Buteo ridgwayi, Ridgways Buizerd
                Endemic to Hispaniola. A single sighting in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

19.           BROAD‑WINGED HAWK, Buteo platypterus, Breedvleugelbuizerd
                2 at El Yunque (Caribbean National Forest) (PR).

20.           RED‑TAILED HAWK, Buteo jamaicensis, Roodstaartbuizerd
                4 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 2 near San Juan (PR), 3 at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

21.           AMERICAN KESTREL, Falco sparverius, Amerikaanse Torenvalk
                A fairly common and widespread species in the Dominican Republic and south-west Puerto Rico.

22.           NORTHERN BOBWHITE, Colinus virginianus, Bobwhite
                3 heard at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

23.           COMMON MOORHEN, Gallinula chloropus, Waterhoen
                Small numbers at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and Lago Enriquillo (DR), 3 at Laguna Cartagena (PR).

24.           CARIBBEAN COOT, Fulica caribaea, Caribische Koet
                Thousands of coots were present at Laguna de Rincon (DR): only 5 birds were close enough to identify as this species.

25.           WILLET, Catoptrophorus semipalmatus, Willet
                4 at Laguna Oviedo (DR).

26.           RUDDY TURNSTONE, Arenaria interpres, Steenloper
                7 at Laguna de Rincon (DR).

27.           BLACK‑NECKED STILT, Himantopus mexicanus, Zwartneksteltkluut
                Fairly common at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and Lago Enriquillo (DR), 8 at the lagoon (Highway 333) near Guánica Forest Reserve (PR), 2 at Guánica (PR).

28.           SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, Charadrius semipalmatus, Amerikaanse Bontbekplevier
                A single sighting along the coast at Fajardo (PR).

29.           WILSON'S PLOVER, Charadrius wilsonia, Dikbekplevier
                2 at Laguna Oviedo (DR), 2 at Laguna de Rincon (DR) and 1 at the lagoon (Highway 333) near Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

30.           KILLDEER, Charadrius vociferus, Killdeerplevier
                25+ at Laguna de Rincon (DR), singles at Lago Enriquillo (DR) and Laguna Oviedo (DR).

31.           SNOWY PLOVER, Charadrius alexandrinus, Strandplevier
                25+ at Laguna de Rincon (DR)

32.           LAUGHING GULL, Larus atricilla, Lachmeeuw
                3 at Laguna de Rincon (DR), 2 at Lago Enriquillo (DR) and 3 at Fajardo (PR).

33.           ROYAL TERN, Sterna maxima, Koningsstern
                6 along the south-west coast of the Dominican Republic, 1 at Fajardo (PR).

34.           SANDWICH TERN, Sterna sandvicensis, Grote Stern
                20+ along the coast near Guánica (PR).

35.           COMMON TERN, Sterna hirundo, Visdief
                Small numbers along the coast near Guánica (PR).

36.           ROCK DOVE, Columba livia, Rotsduif
                A common and widespread species in cities and villages on both islands.

37.           WHITE‑CROWNED PIGEON, Columba leucocephala, Witkapduif
                A single sighting in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

38.           SCALY‑NAPED PIGEON, Columba squamosa, Roodhalsduif
                Common at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), small numbers at Maricao (PR).

39.           PLAIN PIGEON, Columba inornata, Wijnrode Duif
                4 near Puerto Escondido (DR).

40.           MOURNING DOVE, Zenaida macroura, Treurduif
                A very common and widespread species in the Dominican Republic.

41.           ZENAIDA DOVE, Zenaida aurita, Antilliaanse Treurduif
                1 at the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo (DR), small numbers at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), very common in the Guánica area (PR).

42.           WHITE‑WINGED DOVE, Zenaida asiatica, Witvleugeltreurduif
                Small numbers seen daily in the Dominican Republic, fairly common in Puerto Rico.

43.           COMMON GROUND‑DOVE, Columbina passerina, Musduif
                Abundant in both countries.

44.           KEY WEST QUAIL‑DOVE, Geotrygon chrysia, Cubaanse Kwartelduif
                2 heard in the forest 4kms south of Barahona (DR).

45.           RUDDY QUAIL‑DOVE, Geotrygon montana, Bergkwartelduif
                1 in the forest 4kms south of Barahona (DR).

46.           HISPANIOLAN PARAKEET, Aratinga chloroptera, Hispaniola‑aratinga
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 12 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

47.           ORANGE‑FRONTED PARAKEET, Aratinga canicularis, Ivooraratinga
                Introduced to Puerto Rico. 8 at Fajardo (PR).

48.           CANARY‑WINGED PARAKEET, Brotogeris versicolurus, Witvleugelparkiet
                Introduced to Hispaniola. 12 at Santo Domingo (DR).

49.           HISPANIOLAN PARROT, Amazona ventralis, Hispaniola‑amazone
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 3 at the Botanic Garden in Santo Domingo (DR), 40+ at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

50.           PUERTO RICAN PARROT, Amazona vittata, Puertoricaanse Amazone
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. A single bird at El Yunque (Caribbean National Forest) (PR).

51.           YELLOW‑BILLED CUCKOO, Coccyzus americanus, Geelsnavelkoekoek
                Singles near Puerto Escondido (DR) and at Laguna Cartagena (PR).

52.           MANGROVE CUCKOO, Coccyzus minor, Mangrovekoekoek
                2 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 1 at Barahona (DR) and 1 at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

53.           BAY‑BREASTED CUCKOO, Hyetornis rufigularis, Mantero
                Endemic to Hispaniola. A single bird attracted to the tape at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

54.           HISPANIOLAN LIZARD‑CUCKOO, Saurothera longirostris, Hispaniolahagediskoekoek
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 2 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 1 at Barahona (DR) and 1 at Lago Enriquillo (DR).

55.           PUERTO RICAN LIZARD‑CUCKOO, Saurothera vieilloti, Puertoricaanse Hagediskoekoek
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 2 at Hacienda Juanita, 2 at the Maricao National Resource Area and 1 at Guánica Forest Reserve.

56.           SMOOTH‑BILLED ANI, Crotophaga ani, Kleine Ani
                Small numbers daily in the south-west of the Dominican Republic.

57.           ASHY‑FACED OWL, Tyto glaucops, Hispaniolakerkuil
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 2 attracted to the tape in the forest 4kms south of Barahona (DR).

58.           PUERTO RICAN SCREECH‑OWL, Otus nudipes, Puertoricaanse Schreeuwuil
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 2 attracted to the tape at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao.

59.           BURROWING OWL, Athene cunicularia, Holenuil
                4 en route Duvergé - Puerto Escondido (DR), 1 near Lago Enriquillo (DR).

60.           NORTHERN POTOO, Nyctibius jamaicensis, Noordelijke Reuzennachtzwaluw
                2 attracted to the tape in the forest 4kms south of Barahona (DR).

61.           ANTILLEAN NIGHTHAWK, Chordeiles gundlachii, Antilliaanse Nachtzwaluw
                7 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

62.           LEAST POORWILL, Siphonorhis brewsteri, Haïtipauraque
                Endemic to Hispaniola.  1 in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

63.           PUERTO RICAN NIGHTJAR, Caprimulgus noctitherus, Puertoricaanse Whippoorwill
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. A single sighting at Guánica Forest Reserve.

64.           WHITE‑COLLARED SWIFT, Streptoprocne zonaris, Witkraaggierzwaluw
                10+ in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

65.           ANTILLEAN PALM‑SWIFT, Tachornis phoenicobia, Cubaanse Palmgierzwaluw
                Very common in the Dominican Republic.

66.           ANTILLEAN MANGO, Anthracothorax dominicus, Dominicaanse Mango
                Singles at the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo (DR) and at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 2 at Fajardo (PR), small numbers at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

67.           GREEN MANGO, Anthracothorax viridis, Groene Mango
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 1 at El Yunque (Caribbean National Forest), small numbers at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao and at the Maricao National Resource Area and at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

68.           GREEN‑THROATED CARIB, Eulampis holosericeus, Groenkeelkolibrie
                2 at Fajardo (PR).

69.           ANTILLEAN CRESTED HUMMINGBIRD, Orthorhynchus cristatus, Antilliaanse Kuifkolibrie                 A single observation at Fajardo (PR).

70.           HISPANIOLAN EMERALD, Chlorostilbon swainsonii, Swainsons Smaragdkolibrie
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 4 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

71.           PUERTO RICAN EMERALD, Chlorostilbon maugaeus, Puertoricaanse Smaragdkolibrie
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 3 at El Yunque (Caribbean National Forest), 1 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao, 3 at the Maricao National Resource Area, 1 at Guánica Forest Reserve.

72.           VERVAIN HUMMINGBIRD, Mellisuga minima, Dwergkolibrie
                6 at the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo (DR) and 3 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

73.           HISPANIOLAN TROGON, Priotelus roseigaster, Hispaniolatrogon
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 5 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

74.           NARROW‑BILLED TODY, Todus angustirostris, Smalsnaveltodie
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 6 at the upper Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

75.           PUERTO RICAN TODY, Todus mexicanus, Puertoricaanse Todie
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 1 at El Yunque (Caribbean National Forest), 10+ at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao and at the Maricao National Resource Area, 6 at Guánica Forest Reserve.

76.           BROAD‑BILLED TODY, Todus subulatus, Diksnaveltodie
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 10+ at the Sierra de Baoruco, lower region (DR)

77.           ANTILLEAN PICULET, Nesoctites micromegas, West‑Indische Dwergspecht
                Endemic to Hispaniola. Singles en route Duvergé - Puerto Escondido & at Sierra de Baoruco NP near Pedernales (DR).

78.           PUERTO RICAN WOODPECKER, Melanerpes portoricensis, Puerto‑Ricospecht
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 8 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao, 4 at the Maricao National Resource Area, a single observation at Guánica Forest Reserve.

79.           HISPANIOLAN WOODPECKER, Melanerpes striatus, Hispaniolaspecht
                Endemic to Hispaniola. Very common in the Dominican Republic.

80.           CARIBBEAN ELAENIA, Elaenia martinica, Witbuikelenia
                4 at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

81.           GREATER ANTILLEAN ELAENIA, Elaenia fallax, Antilliaanse Elenia
                3 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

82.           HISPANIOLAN PEWEE, Contopus hispaniolensis, Hispaniolapiewie
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 9 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

83.           LESSER ANTILLEAN PEWEE (PUERTO RICAN PEWEE), Contopus latirostris (portoricensis), Roestbuikpiewie
                A single bird at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).
                Raffaele et al in "Birds of the West Indies" divides the Lesser Antillean Pewee into three species, The Lesser Antillean, St Lucia and Puerto Rican Pewee.

84.           STOLID FLYCATCHER, Myiarchus stolidus, Dikkoptiran
                20+ between Duvergé and Zapotan (Sierra de Baoruco) (DR).

85.           PUERTO RICAN FLYCATCHER, Myiarchus antillarum, Puerto‑Ricotiran
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 3 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao, 1 at the Maricao National Resource Area, 2 at Guánica Forest Reserve.

86.           GRAY KINGBIRD, Tyrannus dominicensis, Grijze Koningstiran
                Abundant in both countries.

87.           LOGGERHEAD KINGBIRD, Tyrannus caudifasciatus, Bahamakoningstiran
                1 in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 1 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao (PR) and a pair at the Maricao National Resource Area (PR).

88.           PALM CROW, Corvus palmarum, Palmkraai
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 5 in the palms along Lago Enriquillo (DR).

89.           WHITE‑NECKED CROW, Corvus leucognaphalus, Witnekkraai
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 2 at Puerto Escondido (DR) and 5 in the palms along Lago Enriquillo (DR).

90.           FLAT‑BILLED VIREO, Vireo nanus, Platsnavelvireo
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 3 en route Duvergé - Puerto Escondido (DR).

91.           PUERTO RICAN VIREO, Vireo latimeri, Puertoricaanse Vireo
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 1 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao, 5 at the Maricao National Resource Area and 4 at Guánica Forest Reserve.

92.           BLACK‑WHISKERED VIREO, Vireo altiloquus, Baardvireo
                A common and widespread species on both islands.

93.           PALMCHAT, Dulus dominicus, Palmtapuit
                Endemic to Hispaniola. Very common in the Dominican Republic.

94.           RUFOUS‑THROATED SOLITAIRE, Myadestes genibarbis, Roodkeelsolitaire
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 3 at the upper Sierra de Baoruco near Zapotan (DR).

95.           RED‑LEGGED THRUSH, Turdus plumbeus, Roodpootlijster
                1 at Puerto Plata (DR), 2 at the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo (DR), 3 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), singles at Fajardo (PR), Hacienda Juanita (PR) and at Maricao State Forest (PR).

96.           LA SELLE THRUSH, Turdus swalesi, Haïtilijster
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 3 at the upper Sierra de Baoruco near Zapotan (DR).

97.           NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD, Mimus polyglottos, Spotlijster
                Seen widely but not numerously on both islands.

98.           PEARLY‑EYED THRASHER, Margarops fuscatus, Witoogspotlijster
                4 at El Yunque (Caribbean National Forest) (PR), common at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR) and along the coast near Guánica (PR).

99.           GOLDEN SWALLOW, Tachycineta euchrysea, Goudzwaluw
                8 at the upper Sierra de Baoruco (Zapotan) (DR), 20+ in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco near the small pond (DR).

100.         CARIBBEAN MARTIN, Progne dominicensis, Caribische Purperzwaluw
                20+ at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 4 at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR) and 2 at Laguna Cartagena (PR).

101.         CAVE SWALLOW, Hirundo fulva, Holenzwaluw
                Fairly common en route Puerto Plata - Santo Domingo (DR), 20+ along the south-west coast (DR), 3 at the lagoon (Highway 333) near Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

102.         HOUSE SPARROW, Passer domesticus, Huismus
                Introduced on both islands. Small numbers near settlements in both countries.

103.         AFRICAN SILVERBILL, Lonchura cantans, Zilverbekje
                Introduced to Puerto Rico. A single one at Guánica (PR).

104.         SCALY‑BREASTED MUNIA, Lonchura punctulata, Muskaatvink
                Introduced to Puerto Rico. 1 at Fajardo (PR) and 2 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao (PR).

105.         VILLAGE WEAVER, Ploceus cucullatus, Grote Textorwever
                Introduced to Hispaniola. 1 near Lago Enriquillo (DR).

106.         ANTILLEAN SISKIN, Carduelis dominicensis, Haïtisijs
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 15 at the upper Sierra de Baoruco near Zapotan and near Pedernales (DR).

107.         WHITE‑WINGED CROSSBILL, Loxia leucoptera, Witbandkruisbek
                A pair in the southern part (Pedernales) of the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

108.         YELLOW WARBLER, Dendroica petechia, Gele Zanger
                3 in the mangroves at Barahona (DR) and 1 at La Parguera (PR).

109.         ADELAIDE'S WARBLER, Dendroica adelaidae, Adelaides Zanger
                Endemic to Puerto Rico, Barbuda and St. Lucia.
                9 at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

110.         PINE WARBLER, Dendroica pinus, Dennenzanger
                4 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

111.         GREEN‑TAILED GROUND WARBLER, Microligea palustris, Haïtizanger
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 3 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

112.         WHITE‑WINGED WARBLER, Xenoligea montana, Witvleugelzanger
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 5 at the upper Sierra de Baoruco near Zapotan and Pedernales (DR).

113.         BANANAQUIT, Coereba flaveola, Suikerdiefje
                Ubiquitous in both countries.

114.         PUERTO RICAN TANAGER, Nesospingus speculiferus, Puertoricaanse Tangare
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. Common at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao and at the Maricao National Resource Area.

115.         BLACK‑CROWNED PALM‑TANAGER, Phaenicophilus palmarum, Zwartkruinpalmtangare
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 1 at the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo (DR), fairly common daily near Barahona (DR) and at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

116.         EASTERN CHAT-TANAGER, Calyptophilus frugivorus, Tapuittangare
                Endemic to Hispaniola. 3 heard at the upper Sierra de Baoruco near Zapotan (DR).

117.         STRIPE‑HEADED TANAGER, Spindalis zena, Streepkoptangare
                2 at the Sierra de Baoruco  (El Aguacate) (DR), fairly common at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao (PR) and at the Maricao National Resource Area (PR).
               Recent studies are revising this species into four species. Raffaele et al in "Birds of the West Indies" therefore divides the tanager Spindalis on both islands in two separate species: Hispaniolan Stripe-headed Tanager, Spindalis dominicensis and Puerto Rican Stripe-headed Tanager, Spindalis portoricensis.

118.         ANTILLEAN EUPHONIA, Euphonia musica, Antillenorganist
                3 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR) and 1 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao (PR).

119.         YELLOW‑FACED GRASSQUIT, Tiaris olivacea, Grote Cubavink
                4 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR) and 4 at the Maricao National Resource Area (PR).

120.         BLACK‑FACED GRASSQUIT, Tiaris bicolor, Maskergrondvink
                3 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR), 4 at Fajardo (PR), small numbers at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao (PR) and at the Maricao National Resource Area (PR), 8 at Laguna Cartagena (PR).

121.         PUERTO RICAN BULLFINCH, Loxigilla portoricensis, Roodkapdikbekje
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 3 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao, 5 at the Maricao National Resource Area and 2 at Guánica Forest Reserve.

122.         GREATER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH, Loxigilla violacea, Bahamadikbekje
                Small numbers at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR).

123.         TROUPIAL, Icterus icterus, Oranje Troepiaal
                6 at Guánica Forest Reserve (PR).

124.         BLACK‑COWLED ORIOLE, Icterus dominicensis, Bahamatroepiaal
                6 at the Sierra de Baoruco (DR) and 2 at Hacienda Juanita near Maricao (PR).

125.         YELLOW‑SHOULDERED BLACKBIRD, Agelaius xanthomus, Puertoricaanse Troepiaal
                Endemic to Puerto Rico. 5 at La Parguera behind Hotel Villa Parador de La Parguera.

126.         GREATER ANTILLEAN GRACKLE, Quiscalus niger, Antilliaanse Troepiaal
                A common and widespread species on both islands.

127.         SHINY COWBIRD, Molothrus bonariensis, Glanskoevogel
                4 at Hacienda Juanita (PR).


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