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The Following Reports are available from Northern Thailand :
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Tours of Thailand  
The North Doi Inthanon, Doi Suthep, Doi Chiang Dao, Doi Angkhang, Tatorn, Mae Ping, Mae Fang, Doi Pohompok, Doi Lang
Upper Central Thailand Mae Wong and Nam Nao, Beung Borapet
Bangkok area city parks, Bangpoo, Samut Sakorn
Khao Yai National park
Kaengkrachan (Central) located at the very upper part of Peninsula Thailand, 3 hours drive south-west of Bangkok
The South Hala-Bala, Krabi, Pangnga, KNC etc

The North - Doi Inthanon, Doi Suthep, Doi Chiang Dao, Doi Angkhang, Tatorn, Mae Ping, Mae Fang, Doi Pohompok, Doi Lang

Northern Thailand 14-19th of Feb 2007

  • Thousands upon thousands of Lesser Whistling Duck were found in the lake as well as being mixed in with the floating vegetation. We found some Pintailed Ducks and Spot-billed but no diving ducks...Peter Ericsson reports.

Thousands upon thousands of Lesser Whistling Duck were found in the lake as well as being  mixed in with the floating vegetation. We found some Pintailed Ducks and Spot-billed but no diving ducks.

Doi Angkhang 30th May to 1st June 2006

  • Of the three “Doi’s” visited, Doi Angkhang provided by far the most challenging birding...... Birds at Angkhang, particularly the specialities, were scarce, generally wary, and hard to see in the abundance of thick cover...Dominic Le Croissette reports.

Doi Lang (Pahompok), Fang, Chiang Mai, 13-18th of May, 2006

  • Here at about 1187m above sea level is a more or less sure area for Jerdon’s Bushchat. Adam and spouse had gone up the mountain before us and located a female bird feeding young....Peter Ericsson reports.

Doi Inthanon, 21st-25th April 2006 and Doi Chiang Dao, 2nd-4th May

  • From my base in Chiang Mai I was able to make several very productive birding trips to local national parks....Dominic Le Croissette reports.

Doi Inthanon 12-15/3/06

  • My next target bird was Fire-capped Tit. This bird is annual at the peach orchard not far from the campground. I visited the orchard atleast 3 times and managed to dip on the birds each time. Instead I connected with a Yellow-streaked Warbler, a bird I hadn’t ticked off before. In all labor there is profit, the saying goes...Peter Ericsson reports.

24 hours at Doi Pohompok(plus Chiang Saen Lake)  17-19/2/05

  • Ever since last season I have been longing to set my sails towards this the 2nd highest (2200 some m) and Northern most mountain of Thailand. Time constraints and the must for a 4-wheel drive has always been the main blockage for going up there. With the events of Tsunami our normal schedule was 'tossed around' and it looked like I'd miss it again....Peter Ericsson reports

Northern Thailand 6-13th October, 2004

  • October is not exactly a time when foreign birders flock to Thailand to fill up their bird lists. Many migrants are not here yet and some who have arrived are still only in small numbers...Peter Ericsson reports

Mae Fang, Doi Angkhang and Golden Triangle! 14-22 of March 2004

  • We decided to head straight for Mae Fang National Park a couple of hour's drive North of Chiang Mai. I was aware that the park, not being on a high altitude, would not provide the longed-for cool weather. Of course, I was looking forward to the Spot-winged Grosbeaks that are regularly found here....Peter Ericsson reports

Central and Northern Thailand 14-25th of January 2003

  • Went to Samut Sakorn and waders for the morning. With a little help from the always willing spirited Mr. Tee the search for the Spoonbilled Sandpiper soon was a success. As Mark said: 'What an awesome way of starting a trip!". Other good birds were Broadbilled Sandpiper, Long-toed Stint and a lonesome Sanderling. There were many, many other birds around and is a great stop over for wader enthusiasts....Peter Ericsson reports

North and Central Thailand 26th Nov - 17th Dec 2002

  • This was our first birding trip to continental Asia. For this it was our aim to get an overview of the typical bird families of South East Asia and to see as many birds as possible. We also wanted to see many of the wintering birds. Therefore we decided to do the typical northern and central Thailand birding circuit...Christoph Moning reports
Green-eared Barbet

Doi Angkhang and Doi Inthanon 3-5/11/02

  • Incredible! Incredible! How else can I describe standing,  surrounded by a milliard of birds, buzzing and dashing around me in an area the size of an average classroom. Where was I? Early morning at km 37.5, Doi Inthanon.  An incredible amount of moths and insects are attracted to the light by the checkpoint here and a host of birds come to feed on them in the wee hours of the day...Peter Ericsson reports

Birding in Northern and Peninsular Thailand 16th - 30th April 2000

  • Stephen Mawby reports with full details of his trip to to Northern and Peninsular Thailand, with itinerary and bird list.

Large Niltava

Doi Inthanon

  • Here the national flower of Tibet, a red blossoming Rhododendron, flourishes. Its flowers attract a myriad of Green-tailed Sunbirds, Chestnut-tailed Minlas, Chestnut-crowned Laughing Thrushes and Black-headed Sibias......Peter Ericsson reports

Doi Angkhang 2/3/02

  • I have never really had a clear picture of what Doi Ankhang is like. Only heard about its remoteness and good birds. It was actually very easy to get to. There are many mountain peaks around and looking over the valleys, many are still covered in thick forest......Peter Ericsson reports

Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia


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Some Useful bird books for Northern Thailand:
Do you have a good book for this region that we haven't featured? let us know


The Birds of Thailand
Craig Robson: Buy from

  • At last, the quality of field guides for the Far East has caught up with those of Europe and America. Craig Robson's "Birds of Thailand" is a tour de force...950 mouth watering species all beautifully illustrated and expertly described, each with its own distribution map. The natural riches of Thailand make it an ever more popular birding destination and this indispensible guide will set the standard there for years to come.

A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia
Craig Robson: Buy from or

  • A new flexi-cover edition of this superb and influential book is now available (UK) making it far more useful in the field. The birds of South-East Asia details the identification, voice, breeding, status, habitat and distribution of the 1250 species and distinctive sub-species of the region covering Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, West Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. The illustrations are excellent and Craig Robson's text reflects his position as one of the foremost ornithological authorities of S.E.Asia. Indispensable for anyone visiting the area.

Recommended travel books for Thailand:

Lonely Planet: Thailand
Joe Cummings, Steven Martin: Buy from or
  • Many backpackers refer to the various Lonely Planet guides as South East Asia bibles, and indeed treat them as such. Taking just a glimpse at Lonely Planet: Thailand, it's not difficult to understand why. Crammed into over 1000 pages is everything you could want to know about pretty much every region of Thailand.

Lonely Planet: Thailand's Islands and Beaches
Joe Cummings: Buy from or
  • One of the main reasons people visit Thailand is for the scenery and amazing wildlife concentrated along its beautiful coast line--from the hippy resort of Had Rin and the sea Gypsy fishing villages around Koh Surin to the beautiful coral and waterfalls scattered around its coast. It gives you what you need to know about the main destinations. There is a whole section on Thailand's marine environment including beautiful colour photos. However, it also includes good information on Bangkok where many people either begin or end their journeys.
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